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  1. stealth grow 11

    1st stealth grow

    bump i have to devote most of my time money to my saltwater fish tank so updated will be few and far between
  2. stealth grow 11

    1st stealth grow

    so i added a clone and my first bag seed plant took off i have to lst every day
  3. stealth grow 11

    Newbie in SFV

    never pay more than $45 an eighth and stay away from the all night clubs they charge the most for the worst weed as far as quality all clubs carry at least 10-20 strains hope this helps
  4. stealth grow 11

    Anyone use Mr Grow Pro?

    the small amount of carbon. that area would hold is not enough to eliminate any odor better of with ona blocks or an ozone generator plus the little amount of smell coming out of there just pipe the exhaust outside p.s. I've been growing no filter and it smells like i just smoked in my room not...
  5. stealth grow 11

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    ok ill use that for now till i order one with more red thanx for the help +rep
  6. stealth grow 11

    you can use the jiffy bags but for next time definitely rock wool

    you can use the jiffy bags but for next time definitely rock wool
  7. stealth grow 11

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    it said on the box they where 2700k. which is for flowering right i also have a aqua-glo and a power-glo a bunch of stuff from fish keeping i just want as much good light in there as possible the top is 6700k the bottom is 2700k right
  8. stealth grow 11

    Coffee Can Growers

    thanks for the quick reply i don't want to start changing things later in the grow. i added one plant in soil so i can do a side by side with the Folgers dwc i just hope it doesn't empty the rez every day when should i start lst and which strains don't get to big
  9. stealth grow 11

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    can i add one blue super antic light to supplement my cfls i only have 2700ks in there now would it help to mix the spectrum up here's some pics i want to add it to the wall vertically would this do anything or just waste time
  10. stealth grow 11

    Stealth Bagseed PC Grow 320W CFL Scrog

    2 60W CFL's2 100W CFL's (100's on the outside, 60's in the middle)you mean you have 13 watt bulbs in the middle 60 watt equivalent and 20-26 watt bulbs on the outside 100 watt equivalent so you actually have between 50-70 watts with cfls its the amount they use not what there equivalent to the...
  11. stealth grow 11

    Should i transplant to soil or stay hydro?

    i'm not sure what to do so i think i'm gonna stay hydro and try to connect a reservoir or something so i don't have to refill everyday. I've been looking for ebb & flow fittings but i can't find them any where
  12. stealth grow 11

    1st stealth grow

    i added one more cfl for side lighting and i'm thinking of adding a blue floro tube i found in my aquarium stuff here's some pics this is the floro tube i found i also added a soda bottle co2 generator to try it out its just sugar yeast and water with a tiny hole so co2 is released slowly
  13. stealth grow 11

    Should i transplant to soil or stay hydro?

    never had a problem using tap water and never checking ph or ppm new regulations even with my doctors rec i can get that knock on the door
  14. stealth grow 11

    Should i transplant to soil or stay hydro?

    i don't mess with the water chemistry i use to worry about that all the time but it doesn't really matter no major effect
  15. stealth grow 11

    Should i transplant to soil or stay hydro?

    I guess your right doesn't hurt to check
  16. stealth grow 11

    Should i transplant to soil or stay hydro?

    thank you for the quick reply. but do you think i will have to refill it everyday. i don't like opening the box everyday it take's away the stealth aspect
  17. stealth grow 11

    Coffee Can Growers

    can i grow from start to finish in a Folgers ? i'm doing a mini pc style grow so my space is limited
  18. stealth grow 11

    Should i transplant to soil or stay hydro?

    so i started a small stealth grow with a mini dwc system but after reading up more on dwc most people say 5gal minimum i just can't fit something that big into my box so i was wondering would it be better to put the plant in a 3gal wide pot with soil so i don't have to fill my 1gal forger's dwc...