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  1. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Smoking on one of the colas off the Jaffa Cake (Vortex bx) by Supernatural. Strong acidic grapefruit smell all through flower, then went tangerine at finish. At 18 days in the jar, makes the entire room smell like oranges. My first time with a "orange/citrus" smell/taste plant. Stone is a...
  2. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Hey guys, been a while. Here are some pics of what I have been up to.
  3. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Hope everyone had a safe 4th. Despite the male setback this week....1 of the Jaffa Cake was female (whew), and I germed 2 Firestarter which are now above dirt and 2 White x Nepal Indica (fem). As soon as I saw the white hair on the Jaffa I assumed I wasn't cursed after all and germed 2 more...
  4. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Fuckin pissed. 3 Space Bubba - Male 2 Jaffa Cake - Male 1 Green Python - Male Such a setback!!! Could be bad luck, could be user error.....all 6 looked really healthy. Flipped them a bit early and gave them enough time to confirm nutsacks. Not one white hair >< . Spent the day fixing my veg...
  5. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Someone was asking about details on CV Blue Magoo JBJ. Here are a couple threads I was looking at the other day with flowering times and pics.
  6. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    KaB- The A13xA11 yes. Those little leaves get yellow, then crispy brown and rust dots show on the dying. On the plants I thought had TMV, the leaf takes on a weird pattern like in the Space Bubba pic....then half the infected leaf turns yellow or white and curls inward. As new mini fans and...
  7. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Bender- sick glass Gud- grats on BD from SC. I am jealous I hope WBW is ok
  8. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Couldn't get back online yesterday to post what I thought was TMV. If it isn't TMV...sweet! I always thought TMV was a cosmetic "rash" per say. Nothing that affected yield or potency, but makes the plant look like hell and it spreads when I touch an affected plant or when 2 plants touch...
  9. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Good luck Batman. Saddening that a plant so amazing can still cause so much anguish. I told my wife before I married her that I smoked before I met her and she said again when I got back into growing, "don't ask, don't tell" (dont tell me the PH of your soil or how many lumens you have, I...
  10. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The most over rated strains

    cheese and blueberry.
  11. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    G13 Blueberry Gum shatter oil.
  12. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Here is a link to the Colo mmj thread where 303 posts most of their info. After following this thread I got a pack of Biodiesel but haven't popped any. KaB- I vote 707 and anything you have with Deep Chunk in it. I have...
  13. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Hey Sketchy....was that you or cmt that posted that pic a few months ago of that crazy looking oozing pink brain on your plant? Was that from topping or supercropping?
  14. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    So you let the first pinch heal? I supercrop by just bending a branch til it gives that crunch sound, wrap the break with tape for a week. Every time I take the tape off, it is a much sturdier branch than before and it has already begun arching itself to the light again. I see it too KaB, people...
  15. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    bummer that yours did too. Reassuring to know that someone else with much better skills than me had this prob though. Glad I only popped one seed. The other 10 will be stashed away until I can dial nitrogen in like Heisenberg. Curious what Bodhi uses to fight off yellow. LilB- Happy Fathers Day...
  16. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Ya, because it was the newest plant introduced to the tent, I put it front and center under the 600. Bad idea. It yellowed even more. I moved it to the outside and it improved. I top-dressed it with with a tea of 6.5 water, veg nutes, molasses, and some castings that were nitro rich. Continued...
  17. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Damn...Hey Dave x OG Chem sounds nice. The only Conny seeds I have are SSSDH regs, but have been curious about Hey Dave...always good news when a good male plant is found. Brutal day watching the Bodhi stuff sell out. I just don't have the funds to get every drop I want, esp when 3 or 4 on my...
  18. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Damn Batman said, I didn't even know that was possible, esp. at recommended doses. Alien posted how high his ppm was and said SeaGreen was the reason he could run that high with very little mention of burning. Hopefully if you talk to the company ask about the contents other than...
  19. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    I sure hope so. Almost all the Sonics fans I know can't stand the thought of the OKC fans getting a championship after all the years the Seattle fans put into that team (I appreciate the Thunder defense though). I wasn't crazy about the whole press conference announcement by Lebron to go to...
  20. Allowishus Gooberhagen

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Glad the Heat won! You guys were talking about the A11 having yellow probs. My A13 xA11 is 3 weeks into flower and really starting to yellow. What would you guys use or recommend besides a feeding of "grow" nutes that will boost nitrogen? I thought about a top-dressing or a tea that was high in...