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  1. sbroomans210

    Transplant to Hydro... Leafs turning on me HELP PLEASE!!!

    No one responded so I posted another one..... Was that wrong? Didn't know there was a written rule to try and save my plant?
  2. sbroomans210

    Somebody please help a little old lady

    Are you using Nutrients?
  3. sbroomans210

    Molly Tickle Tac - A novelty night (Review)

    Bro..... Don't take that shit again. If you're going to take anything take molly or some kind of Ecstacy. This shit will kill you because you really have no idea what it is. It will be illegal soon. At least for x you can go on pill and go see whats in the bean and the contents of it...
  4. sbroomans210

    Do you trust ecstasy pills?

    Best pills in the U.S you can get are mints from chicago hands down. Anyone who knows anything about beans knows that. If not check them out on pill
  5. sbroomans210

    My first crop..

    sick man hope to get there soon lol
  6. sbroomans210

    Help for a noob... When is the right time to put my sprout into my system?

    Dont transplant it until you see the roots starting too sprout out of the sides or the bottom of the peat pellet. Once you see that tear off the netting and gently clear off the roots. Be very careful not to rip tear or hurt the roots in any way. May I add don't wait too long after you see the...
  7. sbroomans210

    Transplant to Hydro... Leafs turning on me HELP PLEASE!!!

    Ok just flushed her out. And yeah I have 2 2700k and 2 6500k running at the same time.
  8. sbroomans210

    Transplant to Hydro... Leafs turning on me HELP PLEASE!!!

    I already posted in the plant problem page. But I'm doing stealth ebb and flow. 2 6500k & 2 2700k 1000W. I did the transfer two days ago. The outside leafs have some brown spots as you will be able to tell from some of the pictures. However in the middle she seems to have had some growth in the...
  9. sbroomans210

    Baby looking weak after transplant.

    Whats up everyone. Ok I'm a newb here but have been reading and watching my friend do it the same way I am for a year. I don't have anything big just something small to start with. Anyways I transplanted her into water two days ago from moss where she sprouted. Im giving her Fox farm Big Bloom &...