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  1. N

    Question about smoking trim

    haSH DAT ISH UP!
  2. N

    Best Way To Cool Vapor

    Hey there. I have a SSV and absolutely love it. I want to get the best possible experience from vaping. I know there are vapor tamers which you put in the fridge and they cool the smoke. And there are water pipe adapters. But what is the best way to get a nice icy bong hit feel off of a...
  3. N

    Vaporizing Really That Good?

    I can't really speak to the long term effects of vaping vs. smoking cannabis. But I do know that when you vape, your lungs are much more receptive to the cannabanoid agents found in THC. This is because you are not breathing the CO2 along with the THC. The CO2 that comes from combustion...
  4. N

    New bong or personal vaporizer

    Vaporizers are getting smaller and smaller. If you're all about the experience, I'd recommend the Silver Surfer or Da Buddha. But some of the small ones nowadays work quite well.
  5. N

    vape question

    Yo. I'm a total DIY fan, but making your own vaporizer sounds very dangerous. Especially since there are already great vapes out there using the highest quality food grade material. The Silver Surfer is made in Colorado and works great. Maybe this is why you are coughing more. What did you...