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  1. inleague


    This is a total newbie question.I recently purchased 10 Bruce Banner regular/non feminized seeds.My question is.Once i figure out witch plants are female and i clone the females.Will the clones be guaranteed females?
  2. inleague

    Rust spots on leaves in flowering

    Thanks for the help.Im definitely gonna grab some cal mag tomorrow!!!!
  3. inleague

    Rust spots on leaves in flowering

    Ya im not adding any cal mag to the water.there is supposed to be cal mag in the part A.Maybe ill buy a bottle of cal mag and see it that helps
  4. inleague

    Rust spots on leaves in flowering

    Im running RO.I just changed all the buckets and and adjusted ppm to about 600 ta 700 ppm.I raised the lights about a 1 1/2....I noticed on some of the lower leaves that arent totally yellow have some nute burn on the tips.So i think your right with to much you think i should cut out...
  5. inleague

    Rust spots on leaves in flowering

    Im in my 5th week of flower(white rhino)and my upper leaves are turning yellowish.Im running DWC.The root zone is nice and white.the temps and ph is good.Im only feeding about 700-900 ppm.Im using AN Connoisseur A B.And ive been running Big bud for a cpl weeks.the only leaves that seem to be...
  6. inleague

    Hydro problem

    Ok i changed the nutes.I added 20ml calmag and sensi A B for a total of 980ppm for a 5 gallon bucket ph 6.1.I also calibrated my ph meter just to be sure.I dont know if this makes a big difference but i do leave the lights on 24 hrs.ill get a water temp tomarrow but the canopy temp is 72ish.
  7. inleague

    Hydro problem

    How many ppm would you recommend?
  8. inleague

    Hydro problem

    Ro water 5 gallon bucket with airstone
  9. inleague

    Hydro problem

    This is my first hydro attempt.I got slow growth and crispy leaves.Im using ro water 5.7.Im only giving 800pm.using sensi grow a b.,calmag,rhino skin,nirvana,sensizym,voodo juice....I change once a week. 400 watt mh 70°....the humidity is really low.around 30%.also its about 3 weeks old
  10. inleague

    clones going bad

    Im not using a mother cloning the best plants before i switch to flower
  11. inleague

    clones going bad

    This is the 4th time ive cloned from my original batch.1st time was good.2nd time was not bad.3rd time was a bigtime drop in production.Now im in veg for my 4th time and the stalks are skinny,leaves are half size and half the amount of foliage.....So my ? Is.can u only clone so many times before...
  12. inleague


    DAM the eggs live for 6 months.Is there a bomb that kills the eggs.
  13. inleague


    I bought a bad batch of clones(spider mites) about 6 months ago and its been nothing but a nightmare ever since.I'm Looking to regroup and completely start over .I'm tired of wasting my time and ALOT of money trying to get rid of these mites.What i want to do is start fresh with seeds from a...
  14. inleague

    Seedling lighting?

    I have a quick question on newly planted seeds.... Can I use a 600w MH and turn it down 50% and not burn up the new seeds? I have $150.00 in seeds coming and I don't want to burn them up. Would it be safer for me to buy T5 lights for the seedlings? Or should i blast away with the MH!!!!!!
  15. inleague

    Curling leaves----Pictures included!!!

    Ok thanks.Im turning up the temp right now!!!!!
  16. inleague

    Curling leaves----Pictures included!!!

    Is it alright to lower the light a bit to get the 80-84 daytime temp.Its at 12 inches above the plants now
  17. inleague

    Curling leaves----Pictures included!!!

    Ok ill slow down on the watering.When i do water,should i completely saturate the soil untill it comes out the drain holes?The way i do it now is right when i start to see the water drip out the holes i stop.
  18. inleague

    Curling leaves----Pictures included!!!

    Is this normal for OG Kush leaves to be curling like this?The plants are about 2.5 weeks old.The soil is light warrior.I have a 600w cool tube MH about 12 inches from plants.The light is on 18/6.The temps are 76 lights on,65 lights off.50% humidity.I water every other day.I water until i start...
  19. inleague

    Purple/blue leaves?

    I have a White Widow that's about 10 days old.What is causing the blue/purple leaves and stem?Is it good or bad?Could the fan blowing on the plants cause the blue/purple leaves?I'm growing them in light warrior soil.I water them every other day or so with 6.5 ph water.The temps are...