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  1. Zoomin Loomen

    cat shit nutes

    cats are as awesome, if not more awesome than weed plants thats all ive got for this thread
  2. Zoomin Loomen

    well hi im rye

    Hi, Rye! Welcome.
  3. Zoomin Loomen

    Practice Plant

    Catnip is a plant thats somewhat fairly similar.
  4. Zoomin Loomen

    how do I control humidity?

    How dry is it?
  5. Zoomin Loomen

    Registered Mail

    Well I followed up with the post office. The parcel arrived abroad and went into canadian customs on Apr 23. I guess its going like it should, just a little slow. Enough to raise my brow. Probably a non-issue in the long run. Thanks for keeping up with me, email. Ill let you know what happens
  6. Zoomin Loomen

    Registered Mail

    Presicely what I was afraid of. The thought dropped in my mind the second I walked out of the PO, like 'damn did I really just send that registered?' Gaffes like that can cost a person. :neutral: We'll see. Anyone else?
  7. Zoomin Loomen

    Registered Mail

    So I sent away for a small order of WW seeds from BCseedking. I sent straight cash and wanted to make sure I had proof of delivery so I sent the envelope via US registered mail. Im worried now that I made a mistake doing so. The order was sent on 4/14 and still no delivery confirmation after...
  8. Zoomin Loomen

    60 Plant Grow Setup

    OMG that dodge bike is wild. Anyhow. So Trent got 5.5 eh? Just shy of his goal of 6. Is it safe to say, FDD, that if he hadnt lost some harvest to mold issues he would have hit the mark?
  9. Zoomin Loomen

    How do people get the power too maintain all this without being booked?

    DAMN. Kermit bumped this thread a brought it to my attention. I cant believe I read the whole damn thing. You guys crushed that kid. LoL.
  10. Zoomin Loomen

    Found a mushroom

    eating an unidentified mushroom is dumb as hell potentially catastrophically dumb as hell dumb as hell
  11. Zoomin Loomen


    Heh, last time I checked this thread it had no replies and I was certain it was destined to fade off without debate. Thx for the rep, folks. The disclaimers just make me go: :confused: In a way I wish we had a resident lawyer who would come on and state that it wouldnt help your ass one way...
  12. Zoomin Loomen

    Another reason to tell NOBODY what you are doing

    5 years in jail? really?! wtf
  13. Zoomin Loomen

    2 plants growing in one pot...

    let 'em grow together and post pics weekly :blsmoke:
  14. Zoomin Loomen

    A couple questions for US citizens

    Ovechkin is a floating cherry picker putting up numbers because he plays in the weakest division. He hogs the puck and sucks hog. Despite his best efforts his team will be playing golf during the first round of the playoffs...again. Go Pens!
  15. Zoomin Loomen


    I see in alot of peoples sig lines a little disclaimer, usually to the effect of : "I do not condone or participate in illegal activities, anything I say or present on this website is merely fictional" etc etc Is that really neccessary? I mean, come on, if youre gonna get busted for...
  16. Zoomin Loomen

    60 Plant Grow Setup

    Took his help and advice and ran, eh? For shame!
  17. Zoomin Loomen

    How to survive prison?

    Now by brownie do you mean your asshole...or like a snack cake?
  18. Zoomin Loomen

    60 Plant Grow Setup

    Rookie of the Year?
  19. Zoomin Loomen

    Very specific HID conv. question

    Update further still- I emailed the retailer and they changed the information on display. And awarded me a giftcode for future purchases... but nobody has taken interest in this thread since the outset, and I dont expect this irrelevant update to change that :D the end.
  20. Zoomin Loomen

    How to survive prison?

    Booky, youre right about me not ever having been there. Its actually not some HBO induced vision I have about it, I just think of the worst possible scenario and how I might try to handle it. Hope for the best, plan for the worst so to speak. The part about not cloistering yourself in a cell...