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  1. Farooq87

    Honestly Speaking...In What Year Do You Think Marijuana Will Be Legal?

    I want honest/realistic answers. We can see a more progressive approach to drugs now being discussed in Europe, with Portugal's successful attempt at decriminalizing all drugs. Not to mention, Canada almost had marijuana decriminalized in 2005, if it wasn't for Mr. Bush and friends. We also...
  2. Farooq87

    Gun Control

    Yes, I do. Only problem with gun control, is if there is a place where you can easily obtain guns and have them smuggled from there. Other wise gun control works, in Canada at least. Guns are not like drugs, people do not get addicted to Guns. If you make guns hard to get, you will limit gun...
  3. Farooq87

    Gun Control

    I'm not going to get started on wiki as a reliable source, but I will bring a more current census into this debate. The trend in Canada is a increase in homicides, decline in other violent crimes, and decline in reported break...
  4. Farooq87

    Gun Control

    No what I was saying was, I do not not need a gun because I would rather solve disputes through rational conversation, not wild wild west mentality. But the thing is we here in Canada do not have a high crime rate, cause we deal with the root causes of crime, our only major problem right now...
  5. Farooq87

    Gun Control

    Thanks for showing me you are chickenshit, and where did you get the impression I like to rob houses, cause I don't like to carry a gun? Cause I am not afraid of my own shadow, "oh know big government is gonna get me" or " a minority just moved in the neighborhood, Ima need a gun", I would...
  6. Farooq87

    Gun Control

    Defend yourself? What are you scared of? Why are Americans so keen on arming themselves from these potential threats, all these hypothetical situations. "Oh what if someone is robbing your house?" , just live your life, shit you could fucking get hit by a car, but does that mean you should never...
  7. Farooq87

    Gun Control

    Canada has handgun control, and our crime rates are on a steady decline, a trend instituted from the idea of treating the root cause of crime, and forgetting "tough on crime mentality" . In fact most of our homicides/gun crimes (I live in Toronto) are from illegal guns smuggled in from America...
  8. Farooq87

    A Glenn Beck Thread

    Europe heading towards Reaganomics? I don't think so, if anything more regulations is what their heading for, kinda like Canada. Which even in this tough climate has not had it's banking system fail and is doing the best out of all the nations because of their strong regulatory system which is...
  9. Farooq87

    A Glenn Beck Thread

    Have you read about Portugal's recent drug policy? They have decriminalized all drugs, and as of now it has been extremely successful in curbing drug use. Source : BBC report : Back on topic, Glenn Beck is a douche he cannot even...
  10. Farooq87

    Price of Bud if Legal

    Has anybody considered that prohibition of marijuana inflates it's price. When/If it becomes legal, I think it would be traded at the same price of other commodities of similar nature (like wheat and barely) which are traded at like $10 000 a Tonne, not $10 000 a Kg.
  11. Farooq87

    Assume Weed Is Legalized.

    My argument is I would rather pay more and not go to jail, than have it at a lower cost and do go to jail. Not to mention, prohibition inflates the price of marijuana. The cost would be significantly less, almost at same price of other commodities that are traded at same price(prohibition cost...
  12. Farooq87

    Assume Weed Is Legalized.

    I rather pay a little extra, than have the risk of my ultimate freedoms being compromised. Honestly, I do not see a debate, the pros of having it legal far out way the pros of having it illegal.
  13. Farooq87

    Rush Limbaugh defends pirates

    Obama didn't know Somali pirates were Muslim? ........ lol .......95% of that country is Muslim. Rush where do you get your facts?
  14. Farooq87

    Sherrif's Deputy shown kicking a young 15 year old girl

    I'm all for comedy, but she was just a teenager. No matter what attitude she had, you do not beat kids like that. Especially if you are an officer of the law. She posed no threat to him what so ever, no threat, well at least from the video.
  15. Farooq87

    Sherrif's Deputy shown kicking a young 15 year old girl Do not know the back story, it appears she angered him when she kicked off her shoes, however to take that kind of beating is uncalled for.
  16. Farooq87

    Conservatives would impose mandatory sentences on drug dealers, grow-ops

    Harper is such a douche. The fucking economy is an is taking a downturn, and he wants to play politics with drugs laws. Not to mention all this will do is increase the cost on this failed drug war. Furthermore if he really wanted to deal with crime you would start with it's root causes, and...
  17. Farooq87

    Be Careful What You Wish For

    The ability to tax is the ability to enslave? How about the ability to put you in jail? What would you rather do? Pay tax on a substance, or go to jail where all you freedoms are definitely taken away? Also, I am perfectly fine paying for Health Care, why? ....The amount I pay in Taxes is far...
  18. Farooq87

    Be Careful What You Wish For

    Look I understand where you are coming from, however, we must understand the climate of this situation. Marijuana still has a bad rep. If we are going to have it legalized we must take some compromises, to ensure the public and it's representatives of not only their safety but of marijuana's...