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  1. kyoshi

    ello, looking for some help

    I only have checked it once, it was at a neutral 7. I bought the stupid pill in a vial pack at wal mart. I need to find something better and cheaper(in the long run).
  2. kyoshi

    ello, looking for some help

    I actually meant 18/6. lol
  3. kyoshi

    ello, looking for some help

    Ive looked through the forums, books, etc. and it all looks like spanglish to me. it could either be this or that and this is my first go at growing. Im just generally confused and dont want to f up. Ive got a rubbermaid growbox with 6 24w bulbs,temp at 75° They are in Jiffy organic seed...
  4. kyoshi

    Wal-Mart fertilizers

    I know this thread is some what old but..I'm a noob and need some direction, lol. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with superthrive? Bought some at wolly world and am wondering what the mixing ratio is? And I guess..when's the best time to use it(veg or flowering)? :confused: