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  1. S

    Soil questions for autoflowers

    yeah i moved them into new mix, this time i used 50% potting soil from a fresh bag i found. 25% vermiculite 25% peat moss,and blodd fish and bone mixed through. all and all i can say i seen HUGE improvements and didnt notice any real stunting from moving them
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    Soil questions for autoflowers

    will feeding nutes, example lets say tomato food, will that not raise ph. all this ph stuff is over my head i admit, i mean if it does raise it, where does it go then
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    Soil questions for autoflowers

    thanks guys all this input will really help me out in future, cheers
  4. S

    Npk compound fertilizer - 6.0 : 2.2 : 7.5, nitro6% phos 2.2% potasium 7.5 % magnesium

    thank you for replying i have used a good lot of vermiculite with the moss peat so i hope drainage is sorted.. thanks again .. im really begining to love this place!!
  5. S

    Npk compound fertilizer - 6.0 : 2.2 : 7.5, nitro6% phos 2.2% potasium 7.5 % magnesium

    please guys i need help here, ive used a 70/30 mix of moss peat, good quality spagnum. and vermiculite, ive been told this mix will not do, or is not the complete package needed!! 6,2.2,7.5 is the mix and its tomato food, will i be able to use this and also will this raise ph level as ive also...
  6. S

    Npk compound fertilizer - 6.0 : 2.2 : 7.5, nitro6% phos 2.2% potasium 7.5 % magnesium

    Will this do for my grow, i used wrong soil, just moos peat which is the real sphagnum stuff, can i even use this stuff!! Its tomato liquid feed. By goulding
  7. S

    Auto Mazar Grow, Absolute Auto NooB - Every suggestion Welcome!!

    Ok next issue. all three seeds germed not and in pots of incorrect soil lol .. fuck . anyway looking in the shed just now and found some tomato food, liquid, from a good producer here, GOULDINGS who supply farms and every form of fertilizer, whats peoples stance on tomato food? its says NPK...
  8. S

    Soil questions for autoflowers

    my brain just kicked into gear and i think i have realised that i am costantly going to be trying to fend off defficiancy of one or another with my soil mix.. fuck
  9. S

    Soil questions for autoflowers

    as of now i neither have a water or soil ph tester, but i take your word for it as being low ph!! but is there a way that i could up it with watering? like if i mixed the lime with the water maybe. im sure there are ploenty of things natural and organic maybe that i could use to raise it...
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    Soil questions for autoflowers

    Ok thanks all i really appreciate it.
  11. S

    Auto Mazar Grow, Absolute Auto NooB - Every suggestion Welcome!!

    Thanks, i only ask because i grew some northern light before and i mean it was junk soil from a bag of wet damp old shit that was in the shed for god knows how long. so long ago now i cant remember the nutes i used but i know i had a bloom bio bizz, went on hols and came backi and they were gone...
  12. S

    Soil questions for autoflowers

    Ok i have two auto mazar in pots waiting to surface. i used good quality moss peat with a 30% vermiculite mix. is this good! heard maybe not, im worried now. ???:confused:
  13. S

    Auto Mazar Grow, Absolute Auto NooB - Every suggestion Welcome!!

    When you say i need more, is it that the soil is not adequate? lack of nutrition ?
  14. S

    Auto Mazar Grow, Absolute Auto NooB - Every suggestion Welcome!!

    Good news folks!! both seeds just popped and i is stoked!! went to store today got myself another pot, around a bout 10 liters. a fresh bag of moss peat!! will moss peat do??. plus a bag of vermiculite. Disenfected both pots and mixed a 70/30 mix of soil/vermiculite. Filled and watered plus set...
  15. S

    Any Info on Dutch Passion. quality? autos ? germination rate?

    Looking for any info on DP seeds, where i purchase they seems to be their main stock. i mean i can get others in other places but im just curious of their quality
  16. S

    Auto Mazar Grow, Absolute Auto NooB - Every suggestion Welcome!!

    A bit confused here at the mo.. the seeds that i paid good money for from a store dont seems to be making any effort to germinate. i know this takes time but!! i also tried to germ a few bagseeds also at the same time and soaked them paper towel and nothing,tossed them in some soil and now i...
  17. S

    Auto Mazar Grow, Absolute Auto NooB - Every suggestion Welcome!!

    Hey man. have been looking at your vids. that is where i wanna be, a soil grow and a dwc in a secret jardin tent,, soon muhahahaa .. seriously nice and clean man
  18. S

    Auto Mazar Grow, Absolute Auto NooB - Every suggestion Welcome!!

    think i can count on an ounce of this mazar ?, if i get the nutes down, BIG pot good nutes regeim and the light is still in the balance, but i know i could loan a 600 hps if i absolutly had to for the middle to end of flower. other than that im goin looking for the best flower cfl (red) ...
  19. S

    Auto Mazar Grow, Absolute Auto NooB - Every suggestion Welcome!!

    As of now i have no treatment but, i will have to move them eventually due to heights issues and the new area is wide open, an attic basically so im hoping it will dillute? maybe?