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  1. AmirNasser

    Og Kush #18 & Tangerine Dream by ZIBRA

    we have some kinds of Kush & Hash plants, there's not much information about strains here but I compare them to what I've seen in strains collection around the web & I think they are mostly Indicas & ruderalis/indicas. maybe one day I will research on persian strains if they let me. if they...
  2. AmirNasser

    Og Kush #18 & Tangerine Dream by ZIBRA

    dude I like the way that you responded me, that was cool. as you know we have some of the best land race & Pure Indica strains in Iran & generally the land of ancient Persia that involves pakistan, afghanistan, ... & of course Iran. but since there are heavy penalties for drugs in Iran specially...
  3. AmirNasser

    Og Kush #18 & Tangerine Dream by ZIBRA

    Hi Zibra Welldone Dude! I follow your topic everyday for learning somthing new. I have a question, I live in Iran & Mineral water is very cheap here, I water my plants with mineral water, can this harm my plants or can it be useful for them?
  4. AmirNasser

    Have my plants been growing normal?

    Iran is a complicated country, they sell cannabis seeds here as edible nuts but they fight with cannabis dealers & producers & Users, even more than other drugs like Heroine or Opium which is very popular here. in last five months pot price got very expensive here like 5 times more, I used to...
  5. AmirNasser

    Have my plants been growing normal?

    thanx all for your comments I live in Iran & I collected some of the best strains available in Iran, some good stuff that had my mind blown. I will bring the lights closer & once they grow bigger I will put some extra fluoro's on the side wall to make there more shinier for them.
  6. AmirNasser

    Have my plants been growing normal?

    hi everybody it's my first time growing and I've tried to do what's best for my plants with little budget. I've picked my closet for my pilot plan & my lighting are Fluro's. this is a photo of my plants after 6 weeks from seeds, I wanted to know have my plants been growing normal?