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  1. C

    Advice please ?

    Will update pics tonight, watered them last night, ph pen says 6.6 ph and I've calabrated it also. They look a lot better I'm thinking it might have been underwatering, I water them every 3-4 days depending on how dry the soil is.
  2. C

    Advice please ?

    Soil is a organic mixture with very low npk,250w hps, only used tiger bloom one time and was at 1/4 strength. The girls are a few weeks into flower bag seed, and I've ran into an issue they are drooping badly and getting discolor in a few fan leaves near the bottom. Here's a few pics!! Sorry if...
  3. C

    Bomb Seeds- Big Bomb and Nirvana- White Widow journal starting from flower

    Bbvc, it would drop your temp around 10-12 degrees
  4. C

    Droopy Leaves ?

    The roots were wrapped around the bottom a lot , I transferred them to 3gal pots and they almost instantly look better, thx guys
  5. C

    Droopy Leaves ?

    Humidity is around 50-60% lights are a few inch away, as soon as the lights come back on ill see if the water helped if not I may transfer to a different size pot what do u think?
  6. C

    Droopy Leaves ?

    A gallon between 5 plants every 2-3 days
  7. C

    Droopy Leaves ?

    I've Been watering as soon as the top layer of soil is dry, so im thinking she may be rootbound any comments or ideas peeps? Thanks in advance Setup: Light - 20k lumens cfls for veg (16-8 ) Soil - Organic no ferts Nutes - fox farm trio, useing 1/4 strength Water - Tap water w/ Nutes at 6.7PH...
  8. C

    I'm not sure what to make of this

    Can u post some pics it will be easier to help
  9. C

    Brown fan leaves with dying tips also leaves curling down!???

    I'm going to feed her again and see if there is any improvement, thanks everyone for the advice
  10. C

    Brown fan leaves with dying tips also leaves curling down!???

    I have a ph testing kit but its the kind u drop dye in.
  11. C

    Brown fan leaves with dying tips also leaves curling down!???

    The regular tap ph is around 8 so I have to lower it right?
  12. C

    Brown fan leaves with dying tips also leaves curling down!???

    Sounds like its lacking nutes thanks everyone
  13. C

    Brown fan leaves with dying tips also leaves curling down!???

    Hello anyone??? I thought this forum was for help??? Where is it at???
  14. C

    Dry and droopy leaves

    Not really sure but I think it may be root bound so the transplant should work. Good luck broski
  15. C

    Brown fan leaves with dying tips also leaves curling down!???

    I'm a little over a month into flowering and seeing some of the bottom leaves turning a rusty brown, setup- 400w hps, 3 gall grow pot using fox farm nutes , temps from 76-60, I'm watering every 3 days about a gal of water each time also I'm using tap water with vinegar to lower the ph. Here's a...
  16. C

    Lower fan leaves rusty with brown tips curling down?

    Sorry about the light being on I will post some more when they are asleep
  17. C

    Lower fan leaves rusty with brown tips curling down?

    Need some advice on what's going on!! My setup is 400w hps in a 2x2x5 tent growing in some plain soil and using fox farm trio but I haven't used any nutes the past two weeks to try to determine the issue, also I tried watering with epson salt thinking that it would help but still no improvement...
  18. C

    Should I be worried?

    Setup - 400w hps 3 gallon soft pot , fox farm calls for 3 tsp/gal 2 times a week. Thanks everyone !!
  19. C

    Should I be worried?

    Any ideals ???