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  1. M

    General question about plants entering flowering stage...1st time

    Thx my dude, I'll be gentle but firm. I guess nobody cud answer the preflower thing unless i get some pics. I'll work on that
  2. M

    General question about plants entering flowering stage...1st time

    no the leaf stems seem fine to me. They are a mix of green and red and have been so from the beginning i think. LST is low stress training right? Im really new to this but ill try if necessary, and Ill stay away from cloning then. I was just reading a thread on how to do LST and it says you...
  3. M

    General question about plants entering flowering stage...1st time

    Damn, I know I'm asking about alot but nobody has a single suggestion?
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    General question about plants entering flowering stage...1st time

    Whats shakin...My plant has just begun the flowering stage for the last 5 days (lights changed from 24/7 to 12/12). I have 1 plant that was starting 2 show many preflowers so I decided to flower after getting advice from a poster on RIU. Now the preflowers are beginning to turn brownish-red, and...
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    Will 20 plants fit in here?

    How much that tent cost? I know its ebay so my word i wont try to outbid u LOLZ
  6. M

    Questing About Transplanting Plants

    I dont know much but starting in smaller pots definitely saves alotta space in the beginning. Not sure if thats a concern of yours
  7. M

    1000w Backcross grow

    Afgooey is kill. Smoked it never grew it but its fire
  8. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    I already got the room, and Its 1600 watt hps. I got a 3 br apartment wit 2 empty bedrooms so the room aint a problem. If what u say is true then yea heat will be a problem. The crib is normally like 60-65 in the winter. I put an electric heater in the room wit the bud cuz I been sleeping...
  9. M

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    CFL plants normally produce less than 2 os?? I have a plant surrounded by almost 400 watts fluoro lighting of daylight cool white and soft white spectrums, guess that means I should still get the hps man. I really didnt wanna deal wit that shit but guess I have 2
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    Is my plant auto flowering?

    I will when i get a new phone or camera..I have a 2 cent phone wit a garbage camera rite now man..I know u guys cud give better insight wit a pic
  11. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    N good looks on the info 2 all yall. Appreciate ya knowledge
  12. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    O i get it..dont let it get 2 big cuz the fluoros thats y u wud flower now. but im gonna borrow those hps lamps, should i just get 1200w or 2400w? Or was it 800w or 1600w? Not sure gotta ask him.
  13. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    Im def gonna grow a lot more in the summertime at my cuzzos scrib in long Island. Outdoors is alot simpler I heard, but the is the quality worse? Its gonna be outdoor in pots so no backyard soil (I was just reading about that on here). Gonna do like at least 10 plants just 2 play it safe...
  14. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    Ya but I'm here in NYC in the winter...When its cold its brick my dude. Any reason why you wud start the 12/12? I will now that u said it, Just curious..I know I need more plants, thinking of doing the grow room thing..itll actually reduce the hassle wit the smell. My plant already stink and...
  15. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    Also, if its preflowering, is it still in veg state so I can increase its height more? Or is the flowering stage shortly following n i shud switch 2 12/12?
  16. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    I ddnt think it wud b 2 hard cuz my mans grew his wit little but he did have 2400 watt hps. He got 2 lbs off a 6-6.5 foot plant. SInce he got that much I was hoping for at least one but then I gotta get a 1000 watt hps. Thas cool I just gotta open the window more. Can any plant (not...
  17. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    Ok. By height limit I mean can every plant get as tall as possible until you flower it (not talking about autoflowers), or will they automatically stop growing at a maximum height limit (each strain i wud guess has their own limit, i.e. sativas grow bigger than indica)? Also, should I wait to...
  18. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    About a month
  19. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    Ya I can, theyre startin to surround the central stem, dnt c any grapes tho. Damn that means I gotta get the HPS. should I just get a 100w HPS n jus put all the fluoros on the side? I thought the angles I had would compensate. Also, does every strain have a height limit?
  20. M

    Is my plant auto flowering?

    The plant looks pretty healthy but should I switch to a bigger pot?