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  1. J

    Rhino seeds

    Shit after reading about the problems with these guys,i had another look at my seeds and there not auto flowering seeds just feminsed,so this fuxks all my plans up bigtime.Ive tried to phone no reply,ive sent an email requesting new seend sent to me but after reading about this company,i doubt...
  2. J

    Rhino seeds

    I purchased seeds from rhino seeds recentlyi ordered 10x critical mass but received 10 x sweet afgani delicious auto flowering seeds instead. To be honest im not concerend what the strain is just wanna strat growing em. The delivery ws super quick they arrived next day sign for delivery and they...
  3. J

    Revised set up.with pics so far

    Well so far my farming plans have changed several times and it has changed yet again as i ordered 10 x critical mass seeds but received 10 x sweet afgani delicious auto instead ????. Anyhow theyll do to get me started off and being as my first ever grow will be happy to get started growing...
  4. J

    Revised set up.with pics so far

    I decided to change my initial setup plans and go for a larger tent of 1.2x2.4 im using wima 9 pot watering system with big 18 L pots. Im now gonna grow auto flower instead if large big buddah as i dont think the tent will be tall enough at 2m high with the pots standing 50cm off grounnd...
  5. J

    First grow advice / tips !!!

    SHit. In the end i bought a big 9 pot system.filled it water last night and gave it a test run. worked great but noisey.i could here the huming of motor downstairs and the constant trickle of water is quite loud too.went out fist thing this morning and purchased a 4ich thick layer of celotex (...
  6. J

    First grow advice / tips !!!

    Exactly how i see it.Im not a total idiot i have common sense and have good vibes about growing this way,im not knocking anyone but some people cant move with the times and wont admit technology changes i beleive in these lights and ill be happy to get a few months supply from my crops.To be...
  7. J

    First grow advice / tips !!!

    Fuck me really.Didnt realise it was quite that serious with hydro.I do come from a horticulteral background but not from growing skunk so have a fair bit of general plant knowledge,thought maybe this the best way to go.with the right nute ratios and a beady eye im sure i could do not...
  8. J

    Club T5

    I recently purchsed x 2 T5 8 tube lights with red and blue bulbs and plan to grow 8 big plants on a rotation basis from fem seed and by taking cuttings of the plants as they grow.Hopefully on plant rotation basis of veg fklower veg flower etc Any advice most welcomed.Should of added im growing...
  9. J

    First grow advice / tips !!!

    The small buds where they down to seed genetics or the lights ? ive done a fair bit research and they seem to be okay,im not looking to grow commercially but wanna get the mose out of my space obviously. scrog lst all that hopefully will come but for now i just wanna make sure im going in right...
  10. J

    First grow advice / tips !!!

    Hi guys. Ive been floating around this forum and several others reading other peoples journeys and experiences for some time now and decided nows the time to start my first ever grow.Ive spent hrs and hrs looking through posts trying to find a way that suits my SMALL ish budget and available...