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  1. W

    Here to learn about a God created herb

    Thought I'd let everyone know that I'm looking into moving to a medical marijuana friendly state so I can get better medical care.
  2. W

    Here to learn about a God created herb

    Thanks, yep, I wonder if the vending machine has little handcuffs that rap around your fingers when you reach for your medicine. Honestly, I'd rather just grow it quietly than wonder if someone that wants/needs but too poor to buy it due to the outragous prices is going to mug you. Also if...
  3. W

    Here to learn about a God created herb

    -begining of rambling- Yes I suppose I could move, mentally, though my support system is here, my grown sons that watch out for me are here the 78 year old aunt and greatgrand son that mom left behind need me here to help them, I need them, they are my family my friends. I live in a small rural...
  4. W

    Here to learn about a God created herb

    Honestly, I can't guarantee how long I'll hold out, but my position makes it safe to speak out publicly, I use hemp seed oil, which is legal to digest in US, I'm not sure about testing though yet, It reduces the amount and severity of the whole body spasms that sends me straight to hell. I have...
  5. W

    Here to learn about a God created herb

    WVCannabis is in WV USA:lol:
  6. W

    Here to learn about a God created herb

    Thanks, I Appreciate the younger, healthier, stronger generation, that can kick some butt and get things done, I'm at the mercy of chronic pain and a pain management system that refuses to allow me to make decisions for my own body, I am urine tested, under duress, as if I was a criminal on...
  7. W

    Here to learn about a God created herb

    Here to learn about a God created herb, Though I agree 100% that cannabis should be legal, I don't grow, use, gift etc and definetly not encourage children to use (unless under a doctors management). I am a chronic pain patient that would like to have the right to switch from pharmaceutical pain...
  8. W

    Starting with Aerogarden (my first grow, advice appreciated)

    Most Areogardens have a built in back up battery, or replacement battery so if the electric is cut it remembers your settings. Set your areogarden at lights on 24 hours, plug the Areogarden into a wallymart household light timer and set that timer to 12/12.