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  1. tammac

    nute burn

    I have just noticed a few leaves on my plant are stating to brown at the edges think i have been over feeding a little i dont think its a goodidea to flush tho i only have a couple of weeks to go so think i might just ride it out. Wot do us think i should do xxxxxxxxxxxxzxxly
  2. tammac


    has anyone grown bigbang is it good smoke
  3. tammac

    my plants been flowering for 12week and its still not fin

    aye it was redy to be flowerd
  4. tammac

    my plants been flowering for 12week and its still not fin

    i cant upload pics onto threads for sum reason i can put one into my album if u wana have a look. am growing bigbang and i only have a 90w led to grow with. do us think tht might be th problem? dose any one think it wolud be benifical to reduce light times or should i just b patiant.
  5. tammac

    my plants been flowering for 12week and its still not fin

    my plants been in flower for aboot 12weeks and its still got a couple to go i think would it maybe speed things up if i reduced my light houres ?
  6. tammac

    is this ok for drying

    i have tide my budz up to a wee coffee table and put a black bin liner to black them out is this ok?
  7. tammac

    how to tell if your plants are redy for harvest?

    cheerz lads sum good info
  8. tammac

    how to tell if your plants are redy for harvest?

    am i right in saying th buds are redy when 75% of th tricomes are amber
  9. tammac

    are u ment to dry and cure in th dark?

    cheerz lads nice1
  10. tammac

    flushing out?

    very helpfull mate cheerz
  11. tammac

    flushing out?

    am groing in soil useing mirical grow. how many times a day should i water and how much should it be enuf to go threw th soil and out th bottom of th pot?
  12. tammac

    flushing out?

    how long should i flush for and how should i do it for
  13. tammac

    are u ment to dry and cure in th dark?

    whats th best thing to do
  14. tammac

    Ano am goin auto next grow so i can keep th light lower to. Nice to no do u think its worht doin...

    Ano am goin auto next grow so i can keep th light lower to. Nice to no do u think its worht doin this far on av only got a few weeks to go?
  15. tammac

    what strain to buy

    Am looking for somthing not to big about 2 or 3 ft with a yeild about an oz or two will do but good quality smoke with some compact bud
  16. tammac

    whats th best auto to buy

    Wot strain would u recomend mr green
  17. tammac

    whats th best auto to buy

    I just had a look at th maxi gom think thts what i will go for looks good what should i expect off one plant? What light cycle did u use for it
  18. tammac

    what strain to buy

    Whats the best auto strains to buy
  19. tammac

    whats th best auto to buy

    Im goin to be trying auto flowers on my next grow i wanted to mix it up a little with th strains can someone tell me whare i would get a pack off mixed autos
  20. tammac

    Th lights gives has around th same output as a 200w hps suposeidly and it cost fukall to run...

    Th lights gives has around th same output as a 200w hps suposeidly and it cost fukall to run thta why i went with that i think i might get another one for my next grow.