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  1. R

    The Hunted and the Hated: An Inside Look at the NYPD's Stop-and-Frisk Policy

    Sorry to say this but you people are just finding out cops in NY aren't corrupt,,,,They are like the government only not as discreet//
  2. R

    And the lie continues: Medical benefits of marijuana still hazy - U.S. court

    this is the typical BS from Washington,,,,,so billions of dollars is being spent on a damn weed with no merit...and a war that has been a joke....Stop the BS and lies,,,,,legalize it,,,, tax it and you just put a Billion in the Treasury for a quarter rather than be taking it out,,,,,,lets don't...
  3. R

    When will states vote again>?

    Not soon enough,,,,but should be put on every ballot in the US at that time...Our legislators shouldn't be voting.....There is too much riding on the mj issue.....Another thing this is the US and all voting should be done together.....not a state at a time,,,,like what is being done with...
  4. R

    Kennedy leads a group to fight against marijuana legalization!!! WTF??

    Screw Kennedy,,,,,this country belongs to the people,,,,,it is time we carry it. While we are at it we need to get new blood in Washington....
  5. R

    Romney knows who's responsible for this mess

    2 terms of bush jr..,got us here and now romney wants to take up where bush left off,,,,,which is failure like this joke on drugs,,,,,everything president obama has had to do has been on bush's watch and romney does nothing more than tears good businesses to hell and then pieces them out and...
  6. R

    Barack Obama is a Liar

    Take romney for example,,,,he's been doing it for the last 2 years,,,,you can't trust the man
  7. R

    Mitt Romney: Marijuana For Medical or 'For Recreational Use' Is Bad, I Oppose It

    Marijuana is not an issue to be taken up by mitt romney or anyone in government,,,,where there is money there is corruption...i heard a gentleman on one of these pot shows saying that marijuana brings in the other drugs,,,like meth,,,,heroin,,,,crack and others,,, do they really think the...
  8. R

    If Weed was 100% legal in the USA

    Stealthweed they are taking part in it,,,they are putting the money in their pockets..they put the pot back on the street have it sold and everyone gets a you really think government is that honest??? Give me a break!!!
  9. R

    If Weed was 100% legal in the USA

    To much government in our lives
  10. R

    If Weed was 100% legal in the USA

    Marijuana should be legal,,,,the only reason it's not is the right people are not in office and the people have not been forceful enough....this is our government not the other way around....the sooner people come back to earth the sooner they will realize alot things...especially government...
  11. R

    so it's mitt romney and paul ryan

    May i present the douche twins..
  12. R

    The Hope And The Change - Official Movie Trailer

    That is the fault of bush jr..,,,,remember we had 2 terms of his shit..
  13. R

    Democrats from Illinois use Drug War as an excuse to spy on you.

    It shouldn't be about the scam drug war,,,,,,our government uses that to scam the american taxpayer out of more can't tell me mexicans are the only people getting killed in 50 years..
  14. R

    Looks like Harry Reid has gone to far this time.

    Harry reid didn't go far enough with romney,,,,he called him everything but a liar ,,,which i wouldn't have stopped there...i would have called for romney to step aside based on his secrecy about his taxes...we all have to answer to the irs and they should look into it...if he comes out...
  15. R

    The primary role of government?

    Who knows what the role of our government is any more?? It seems like they are to busy sucking the world's ass.....their goal?? Hell they don't know,,,,,they should all be impeached....they are useless..
  16. R

    so it's mitt romney and paul ryan

    PeyoteReligion they are Douche Bag Jr. and Douche Bag Senior....
  17. R

    REPUBLICAN Gov Christie imposes tax on Amazon internet sales

    Christie's another loser
  18. R

    george w bush endorses romney

    1 Loser endorsing another
  19. R

    You didn't build that

    desert dude,,,,listen to what was said again,,,,,you like Fox News took that out of context to make it sound like something it wasen't,,,,please listen to it again,,,,,the truth will set you free
  20. R

    Obama wants to Raise Taxes, Good or Bad for the Economy?

    I love all the reallys,,,,lol