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  1. 8

    are these big for 5 weeks?

    ya the two clones i cut died but whatever. i fed them flowering nutes yesterday and switched the lights to 12/12, now i gotta paray for 2 females
  2. 8

    nutrient deficiency

    how will able to tell if i have solved my plants nurient deficiency the leaves were rusted and some closer to the top were curled up
  3. 8

    are these big for 5 weeks?

    i had four but two of them showd their sex a week and a half ago
  4. 8

    are these big for 5 weeks?

    just some new pics
  5. 8

    does anyone know what strain this is

    i got this plant from a friend and its in its 6 week of flowering i think and i was just wondering if anyone had any guesses of what strain it is
  6. 8

    insainly potent plants

    ya ive had jack herrer and it was really good but not better than the hashplant, totally diffrent high tho
  7. 8

    insainly potent plants

    ya ive had jack herrer and it was really good but not better than the hashplant, totally diffrent high tho
  8. 8

    is this bad?

    heres some new pics i think one of the clonse is dieing the leaves are turning yellow
  9. 8

    My Home made easy cloner

    the fan keeps the lights cool so they sit about 1/2 inch from the plants they were moved for the pictures
  10. 8

    is this bad?

    they have 10 tops now ill post pics tomorro. wedding to go to
  11. 8

    I really suck at growin pot

    if its your firs grow dont use femmed seeds , femmed seeds are done my polinating a female with the male polen from a hermaphodite plant, it increses your chance of females but any undue stress and youll have yourself a hermie and thats no goods(unless you want to breed femmed seeds)
  12. 8

    Home made Easy Cloner Instructions

    you will need -Fountain pump(Pic 1) -8 two inch neopreme discs for the easy cloner(from a hydro shop)Pic2 -a 8 splitter for a sprinkler system(pic 3, and 4) -a 15 by 22 inch two foot tall rubbermaid(Pic 5) -8 sprayer heads(Pic 6) - a aquarium hater (submersible) 24degrees...
  13. 8


    sory i ignored the original question , you will find one day that more than 50% of the white hairs have turned red they have burst and it it time for harvest
  14. 8


    a plant thaty has reverted to veg will almost instantly revert to flowering with any manipulation of the photoperiod as will the plant you reverted to vedge, this is stessful on the plant and may cause it to develop the hermaphodite condition.Also the weed will get very scragly of the orriginal...
  15. 8

    My Home made easy cloner

    This is a pic of my closet cfl grow with the easy cloner newly added. I just added my first two clones. Ive never cloned before so some advice would be helpful to their survival.
  16. 8

    Rusty Leaves

    heres a pic of the whole plant, ive had it for about 2 and 1/2 weeks now. it was lime green when i got it but its been constantly getting darker
  17. 8

    are these big for 5 weeks?

    thanks killacrip i was just about to put a shake n bake bag with some holes in it over my clone when i read this, you saved my clone
  18. 8

    Rusty Leaves

    i got some samples from the hydro shop and i like this stuff. im on the last sample tho so im ganna get some more
  19. 8

    Rusty Leaves

    if i haddnt seen it with my own eyes i woulddnt have believed it. it was dirty shit too
  20. 8

    Rusty Leaves

    its only been fed organic nutes at half strength. i adopted it from a friend ans she only gave it BONG WATER!! and it sat in a window so it could be almost anything