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  1. E

    Indoor 400W HPS Grow

    true that thanks...plants are coming along nicely though 2 of them seem to be much smaller than the other one but other than that they look dank so far...more pics coming
  2. E

    Indoor 400W HPS Grow

    anyone have anything to say....bongsmilie
  3. E

    Indoor 400W HPS Grow

    Here are two of them....
  4. E

    Indoor 400W HPS Grow

    Started off with chronic seeds in Fox Farms ocean forest. Im using cfls for vegging and im going to use a 400W HPS for flowering. The plants are 2 weeks old and i havent added any ferts to them and they are looking great, pictures up as soon as i can...:leaf:
  5. E

    Grow room setup!!

    yeah im here and i was thinking of getting the 400W HPS and some chronic seeds from nirvana but my plants so far are doing well
  6. E

    Starting over!

    alright i have figured out the setup i want now, but the desition now it how to get good seeds..should i try to get them on the internet...i think its risky...or should i just try to get seeds from good bud? what should i do?
  7. E

    Grow room setup!!

    i have a 3 x 3 x 6 closet that im using for my grow room and i was going to get a HPS light for like 2 or 3 plants what wattage should i get 400W or 1000W??
  8. E

    Lighting questions

    alright i have 2 plants that arnt really doing that well i think because of light and i have 3 65 watt plant light bulbs and i only have like $30 so what would be the best bang for my buck that i could get...sould i go for flouresents?? here is my set up now.
  9. E

    2 weeks into flowering

    i am using 3 65 watt plant bulbs from ace hardware and feeding it water so far.
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    2 weeks into flowering

    here are some closer pics best i could do, and some pics of my setup
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    2 weeks into flowering

    first time growing..these plants are 7 weeks old 2 weeks into the flowering and i was wondering how you guys thought they were doing i cant really tell if they are male or female yet..any feedback would be nice
  12. E

    first time growing

    sorry dont know what that is but i will deffinatly move the light closer but i dont know i just know that i bought the lights from ace hardware and they are ment for plants
  13. E

    first time growing

    this is my first time growing. just used regular seeds from fruity bud. i have 3 65 watt plant bulbs and a fan i dont use any fertalizers just miricle grow. plants are stretched out 20 in. each and not as dence as plants that i have seen. any help would be appreciated. thanks
  14. E

    first plant

    this is my first time growing and i just took some seeds that i got from some fruity bud, germinated them and planted them. i have 2 plants now that are about 20 in each and about 7 weeks old 2 weeks of flowering. i have 3 65 watt plant bulbs and i havnt really fed them any fertalizers i just...