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  1. S

    Anyone familiar with Schultz 20-20-20?

    Sometimes I wonder how.effective it would be to take a nutrient like this,.and soak it into a charged biochar... Surely, you wouldn't want a cannabis plant to have neverending access to 20-20-20 but what about an apple tree or a tomato plant or other Vegetables and fruits you might be growing...
  2. S

    Dog feces for fertilizer

    yup, the squash are growing great, today i walked around and i found some other squash (not in dog poop) that I planted at the same time, none of them more than two inches tall, doing nothing. dog poop ftw. we are going to make some acorn squash pies and figure out what to do with the...
  3. S

    Dog feces for fertilizer

    I made another video today as now my dog shit squash is covered in food and flower this experiment is clearly successfull. I cant wait to eat some of the squash
  4. S

    Dog feces for fertilizer

    well, the squash seems to be growing really well, I keep finding more and more fruit and they are starting to spread away from where i planted em
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    Dog feces for fertilizer

    the blue berries I have fed her so far are the wild ones that grow a foot high . hopefully they work. Ill also be feeding her some blue berries from some giant 9ft tall blueberry bushes soon and hopefully they work aswelll,. one can dream. heres the l giant blueberries Ill be harvesting for...
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    Dog feces for fertilizer

    wouldnt you love to get free blue berry bushes everywhere your dog takes a shit???, i think it could be a win if it grows anything
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    Dog feces for fertilizer

    well, you know, we have a nice acidic climate here, blueberries grow well. blueberries are one of the ingredients in my dogs food, so I figured it wont hurt her at all to try
  8. S

    Dog feces for fertilizer

    i fed my dog a bunch of raw blueberries, hoping her dog shit sprouts blueberry plants the way fox shit or bear scat does.
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    Dog feces for fertilizer

    LMAO, could only imagine how terrible it would be to try and smoke, or eat, something where dog shit had been used as a foliar,. disgusting. i wonder what the tomatoes that grow in sludge fields end up tasting like and if anyone ever eats them
  10. S

    Dog feces for fertilizer

    want to see what squash look like when you grow em in 100 pounds of dog shit? seems pretty healthy so far wouldnt you agree?
  11. S

    XTREME GARDENING AZOS (Azospirillum Brasilense)???

    try using the azos to cut your clones. it`s good shit one thing that is important to note with azos is it is great for early stages cloning vegging germination. however, you dont want to keep adding it , never add it during budding for example, as you will end up with very green weed. the...