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  1. J

    Buying Online

    Yea ive seen places that sell actual bud an w/e kinna bud that is you can smoke "legaly" in the US, but out of curiosity why would u wanna order bud on the net when you can just buy it.
  2. J

    Trouble with Leaves

    Young plant, under 4 cfl's 42 watt ( 3-4 inches away). The lights hang from inside a cabnet an the cabnet is about 4' by 1.5', inside painted white, 2 pc fans in the top for exhaust an fresh air. I think it has to do with heat b/c it was around 90 an ive got it to where the temps are in...
  3. J


    Lol i heard about it for the first time yesterday during a transaction an after reading this link it got me curious about it an i found this link that tells a little bit about it G13 Central Marijuana Genetics
  4. J

    Envirolite compact flourescent

    Will they fit in regualar sockets or is there sumthing i need for them? Thanks
  5. J

    Lighting Routine

    Could sumone explain the light cycles an when u change it?
  6. J

    Is This Light?

    So would the this MH light fit in a regular socket 400 Watt Halide Bulb Mogul Base
  7. J


    Thanks for the site, but sum of its links dont go anywhere and it wont let me add stuff to my cart.
  8. J


    Where would be a good website to buy lights and what lights would i need to grow 3-5 plants.thanks