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  1. C

    Dry Ice as a Carbon Dioxide Source

    I used this method and compared with a friend using the same setup minus the CO2 enrichment and I saw less nute defs in flowering...However, i didn't watch what he did so it could have been poor farming and also make sure u don't go too high on PPM. I spent a while figuring out exactly how much...
  2. C

    Please all your LED info here:

    I used 4 flood style High Output LED Clusters I found on ebay. They really perked my plants up and I figured this was because I was using a 600 HPS so they liked the extra blue light. I also used the leds to bring up my seedlings on my second strain and it worked like a charm! Super cool...
  3. C

    ... My roommate crushed one of my seedlings.

    I am gonna call that little guy "Lil' Sparky"... For even tho his stem, leaves and roots are all gone, the spark he carried within himself, will live on in our hearts... Now could everyone, just raise your piece of choice and remember, "Lil' Sparky!" :joint: :peace: :-?
  4. C

    ... My roommate crushed one of my seedlings.

    ...I am gonna try to upload some pics but...BASICALLY, my roommate was moving a light fixture and dropped a cfl fixture, a lit cfl bulb, and part of a bracket, directly on a 2" high seedling...:evil: He did everything but decapitate the little girl...and I tried to prop her head up so her...
  5. C

    A tale of CFL's and one lonely 600W HPS...

    Ok guys I am trying to start an open discussion on the possible benefits and or dangers running CFL's and HPS together during VEG. I am currently running CFl's but just today I think my ladies are big enough to enjoy some real light... In order to start this thread, I have a few...
  6. C

    Use of Ammonia dissolved in water as fertilizer.

    Oh and P.S. if you guys read the title I am not using windex...I was going to use the ammonia out of windex...
  7. C

    Use of Ammonia dissolved in water as fertilizer.

    OK well thanks for the responses but I disagree with the windex=death...But enlighten me on why if you guys can?
  8. C

    Use of Ammonia dissolved in water as fertilizer.

    Ok so I wanna add a bit of Nitrogen because the grow fertilizer I use is 14-8-20, NPK. Also I may add some P but for now I want more Nitrogen. Ok so...I was thinking about a trick I heard, use windex for its high Ammonia content (Something like 3% NH3). I also heard you can use I...
  9. C

    Nitrogen source..sulphate of ammonia??

    I am gonna try the same thing...:D I will do some figuring, I am a chem major.
  10. C

    Welcome New Members!

    I know about the co2 and the flowering stage. I was just trying to get some early feedback. I talked to my hippie chemistry professor and he seems to think it will work but only if the concentration is sustained while the light is on. He said it was because a plant actually puts out a crap...
  11. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi there...this is my first post BTW... Anywho- So I was setting up my first grow room today and I was doing some calculations for my Dry Ice co2 enrichment/AC system. I want to use dry ice because it is a very good refridgerant and it is relatively cheap. Ok so before I get my pics of my...