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  1. M

    Calcium deficency or Phosphorus deficency? HELP! Oraganic way to treat??

    Phosphorus problem, make sure your ph is in this range as if its too low or too high you will cause lockout. i have the same problem, flushed it then fed at half nute for couple of day and then back to normal
  2. M

    First time grover needs help with deficiencies

    The only thing that swung me towards sulphur was your leafs look slightly claw like where as in an nitrogen deficiency the leaf remains stiff and flat untill falling off. if you feel deferent pal go with your Instinct, I'm just trying to help you to the best of my knowledge good look and if...
  3. M

    First time grover needs help with deficiencies

    I'd say you've got a sulphur deficiency pal
  4. M

    PH is Essential

    Just recovering from a uncalibrated ph pen now, ph was way too low and I have not got a phosphorus lockout with two weeks left in flower
  5. M

    PH is Essential

    Cheers for the chart top guy
  6. M

    Problem with ph leading to phosphorus deficiency

    I'm using coir coco, and have been flushing them for the last three days before I realised the ph pen was off, I thought I had a buildup of salts
  7. M

    Problem with ph leading to phosphorus deficiency

    Well here is my new take on the problem: I have just checked my ph pen and it is off by 0.3, I used to ph my water to 5.5 to 5.8 which really meant if I ph'ed the water to the lower 5.5 it would have really been 5.2 I have check my run off and the ph and its about 5.0 I think that the low...
  8. M

    need help diagnosing deficiency asap

    sorry i havent been on here in a couple of days, i decided to take your advice and have flushed them for the last three days. ill let them dry out as they are soaking at the moment and start feeding at half strength after that! thanks for all you help guys as i think you may have just saved...
  9. M

    need help diagnosing deficiency asap

    thanks for your help pal how long should i flush for as there is only 2 and a half weeks left in flower and ive just found thrips in my runn off! would that contribute to the symptoms
  10. M

    need help diagnosing deficiency asap

    i could really use some help with diagnosing a deficiency. about three weeks ago i started to notice little brown patches in the middle of what looked like perfectly healthy leaves and every day it gets steadily worse untill the whole leafs are brown and crispy, i am now worried as they are all...