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  1. I

    Multiple plants in one container?

    Is it possible to grow multiple plants in one container or will they kill each other? I was going to try to take a couple of clones, but I don't have room for more pots in my little grow closet. If I didn't let them get too big, would it be okay to have maybe 2 or 3 little plants in one pot...
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    Am I ready for harvest?

    If I remember correctly I put them into 12/12 in early October.
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    Am I ready for harvest?

    Hey now. It was a legitimate question!
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    Am I ready for harvest?

    Thanks guys! Oh, as I prune the plant, is there something I can do with the dead leaves so as not to let them go to waste, or are they pretty much just gone? i.e. would I get anything out of collecting them and making butter, or should I just wait and use the leaves that are left when it's time...
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    Am I ready for harvest?

    So I've been in flower for a while now - the flowers look nice but I really don't think they're ready for harvest. But I don't want to wait TOOOO long, so I was wondering if anybody has any ideas as to whether I'm like... very close, weeks away, matter of days, etc? This is my first grow so I...
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    AGH, monster cat ate all the leaf tips!!!

    Haha, that must be what happened! I'll have to decline his generous assistance when it comes to flowering time. :-/
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    AGH, monster cat ate all the leaf tips!!!

    I'm gonna have to. It's weird, because I've had these plants in the same spot for like, a month now, and they have never touched them. I don't know what possessed him, but I'm going to have to sit him down for a serious talking to... Maybe I need to just get one of those grow closets that zip up.
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    AGH, monster cat ate all the leaf tips!!!

    I might have exaggerated in both directions - it's not just the tips but they're not all stumps. I'd say the worst leaves are stumps but most of them have about 1/3 to 1/4 leaf remaining, some less. That's still a lot of leaf missing! The little monster eats plastic bags so I like to think the...
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    AGH, monster cat ate all the leaf tips!!!

    ARRRGH. My demon of a cat has been pretty good about staying away from my two plants, but I looked at them tonight and was horrified to see that some time today, he ate all the tips off the leaves. He doesn't seem to have done anything to the base of the plant or to the stems or structure, but...
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    Growing outward but not upward??? No new height

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with this plant. I got two clones at the same time, and have treated them the same way - they're in organic soil, with 18/6 light. They had been outside but they weren't doing well so I moved them inside with a light. One of them has been...
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    Stunted growth

    Bump? At this point there is additional growth in the center of the plant, i.e. more leaves sprouting out, but there is *still* no upward growth - so it's getting more and more crowded in the center, and the leaves are staying very small. What's going on? The other plant is doing fine, and I got...
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    Stunted growth

    Okay, so I think/HOPE I have the crumbling leaf problem under control - but one of my plants is substantially more stunted than the other. I got them as clones at the same time. What is going on with the little one? Is there some way I can encourage it to grow more or should I just give it time...
  13. I

    Leaf tips shriveling, stunted growth

    This was happening to the leaves even before I started putting them outside, if that helps. The plan is to keep them inside at this point - I don't want the gardener to see them, but my main concern in this neighborhood is that they might get stolen; our backyard is right on the alley. Any...
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    Leaf tips shriveling, stunted growth

    Hey all, I got two clones recently for medicinal growing and transplanted them to soil (never grown before!). One of them is growing, albeit with leaf problems, but the other one seems to be stunted. Both of them have leaf tips that are browning and crumbling, and the little one has this...