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  1. 420man88

    Check out my pics in Bongs,pipes ect

    Sweet carrot pipe lol, imagine if everyone put there bongs together what a collection of stuff that would be
  2. 420man88

    Check out my pics in Bongs,pipes ect

    Name of Pics is collection
  3. 420man88

    Green piss

    Any one else find after blazing a good amount that your piss turns green? i find that it happens to me unless im just mad toasted.
  4. 420man88

    Stoned Pets

    cats are the best for getting baked for sure they seem to love it better then cat nip i supose
  5. 420man88

    Chances of being busted?

    The bible belt lol thats classic
  6. 420man88

    Question about quick Cure

    Thanks for the ideas everyone
  7. 420man88

    Question about quick Cure

    O yea i never thought of that to bad i dont have a vapo though
  8. 420man88

    Question about quick Cure

    Thanks i will give that a try
  9. 420man88

    Question about quick Cure

    I just snipped a bud off one of my plants of corse its not ready to be smoked but i am wondering if theres a quick way to cure it just so i can give it a try
  10. 420man88

    When to Harvest

    Alright thanks when taking the cola off is there any way i should do this Ex) Cut at 45 degree angle or anything?
  11. 420man88

    When to Harvest

    Alright but what about harvesting a cola first?
  12. 420man88

    When to Harvest

    Here are a couple pics i dunno if it will help at all
  13. 420man88

    When to Harvest

    Just wondering about a couple things is it possible to harvest the cola first and let the plant keep growing the other other lower buds? Also what are some signs that a plant is ready to harvest? i am in prob my 6-7 week flowering.
  14. 420man88

    Stupid stuff you've done while high?

    Left my old Zong at an a&w had to go ask the ppl behind the counter for it back clearly they had all looked at it because it was unwrapped
  15. 420man88


    Yea nothing better
  16. 420man88


    Hockey rules played for 10 years Go HABS!
  17. 420man88

    expert opinion?

    I had a similar case one time but never knew if i should just trim the fan leaves that were fucked or just leave them
  18. 420man88


    Well on mine it said and had a little diagram showing but normaly warm white cfls have more of the red spec and cool white cfl have more of a blue spec
  19. 420man88

    transparent rolling papers

    I own a pack of them more of a novelty then quality paper in my opinion
  20. 420man88


    Yah i am using a 125 envirolite and im flowering with some decent results mind you i have a small grow box but i am planning on getting a few more lights as well. Make sure you get the right spectrum Blue spectrum good for veg and ones with more red spectrum are good for flowering