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  1. WindyCityToker

    Seems to be a lot of "Trolling" lately

    Yeah sure I'm a troll because I said other people are trolls. That makes a lot of sense. And i wasn't "inciting drama" just stating opinion. And i'm pretty sure you knew what the thread was about before you read it so wtf are you doing here? This place is full of assholes with nothing better to...
  2. WindyCityToker

    Seems to be a lot of "Trolling" lately

    I was mostly referring to pissy back and forths between losers with too much time (and semen) on their hands :) IDK it's funny to watch people go so far off topic to prove their mental capabilities (or lack thereof)
  3. WindyCityToker

    Seems to be a lot of "Trolling" lately

    It's like my ma always said, If you don't have anything nice to say, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!! :weed:
  4. WindyCityToker

    Seems to be a lot of "Trolling" lately

    Just a thought. Why do people insist on being such assholes to one another on a site that's meant to bring us together and share vital information? I really like the idea of being able to anonymously socialize with like-minded people since i can't go telling anyone else the things i very openly...
  5. WindyCityToker

    As a stoner how do you dress and what music do you listen to?

    Fuck clothes. I just dress like Average Joe. But music, it says everything about you. Shuffle on my pod is a screaming trainwreck of scum metal, 90's rap, hellbilly, funk, 60s-70s rock, grunge, bluegrass, jam bands, southern rock and Keller Williams :) (he doesn't fit in any category)
  6. WindyCityToker

    What is this plant

    Ever hit that shit with a weedwacker? It smells horrid, i couldn't imagine tryin to smoke it.
  7. WindyCityToker

    [CFL/SOIL/12/12 ]BBbubblegum's First Grow [CFL/SOIL/12/12]

    Idk about that one bro, need some cloning hormones
  8. WindyCityToker

    What is this plant

    There's a difference between "weed" and "weeds" :)
  9. WindyCityToker

    What is this plant

    I concur! Burn it down!
  10. WindyCityToker

    What is this plant

    Idk what its called but i have a shit ton of those growing in my backyard :)
  11. WindyCityToker

    China White: Shoot or snort?

    Dude. Seriously? If you want 1,478 reasons to not do heroin, take a look at your CD collection. I've lost a lot of friends to that shit so good luck to you if you try it.
  12. WindyCityToker

    When Im bored..........I

    Seriously. It's like the South Park ep. Eventually you get burned out on everything but the craziest shit. lol
  13. WindyCityToker

    What is your first name in real life?

    How'd you know? Are you a fed ? :p
  14. WindyCityToker

    Does this look like a Sativa or Indica to you ?

    Indica dominant hybrid
  15. WindyCityToker

    What is your first name in real life?

    <---Barack ;-)
  16. WindyCityToker

    8 weeks into flowering and nothing is happening

    Shoulda been killed looong ago bro. Gotta get some big cfl's.
  17. WindyCityToker


    Wow!!! I am totally impressed by the longevity of such a stupid thread free entertainment for hours :)
  18. WindyCityToker

    trayvan martin

    What he said
  19. WindyCityToker


    Just cleavage man ya can see more in Stuff or Maxim :)
  20. WindyCityToker


    Nite lady!