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  1. S

    Need Indoor-Growing Help.

    Very nice, thank you. Dose this mean it will cost more afterwards ( End time:Mar-15-08 17:00:00 PDT (2 days 6 hours)
  2. S

    Need Indoor-Growing Help.

    No we own, and i though i ment the Fan but sorry thats what i ment. Not the plants
  3. S

    Need Indoor-Growing Help.

    There is also no reason why you cant get EVERYTHING you need from home depot,Peters makes excellent fertilizers for a fraction of the cost of hydro shop nutrients,home depot also sells High Pressure Sodium lighting allthough its more expensive on a watt vs dollar ratio over just going with a...
  4. S

    New Nutes!!!

    Cool I needed to know that thx for the Advice.
  5. S

    Need Indoor-Growing Help.

    lol, thx for the NO TELLING FRIEND advice. Im not so sure yet where I will be able to cut a whole in the wall so i can make good air flow, but thats what i want to do im just not sure how to go about it wihtout fu*king up my wall's lol. Maybe when I post some pics of the closet someone could...
  6. S

    Need Indoor-Growing Help.

    Ok here it goes, Im a very first time grower, havent even started yet but am so looking forward to it and reason being is that im just simply tired of going through missions to get good bud, im sure many of you prob dont have that problem but I do. The first thing I would like to get out of the...
  7. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everyone, just introduceing myself, im very newb lol so... Hi again:joint:.