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  1. H

    Power Plant+T5+Foliar feed

    Here some Turkish bagseed plants in the same run,still foliar feeding in flowering phase without any problem
  2. H

    T5HO vs T8 vs PL Compact Fluorescent

    55w pl-l that is the phillips ballast that im using for two bulbs of t5ho.ı know one thing for sure is the ballast for t8 will not run the t5ho,opposite the same.İf ı were you ı would not spend more money to change the system from t8 to t5 just because of colones and...
  3. H

    What do you think of my plants? First time grow with CFL's..

    Great job compare to light you are using,ı can not imagine what you can do if you have a 600w, ,,great
  4. H

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Do you think this one is a sativa dominant ? ı have just taken a little bud and smoked it its very uplifting happy high not boring at all,keeps me smiling..I have no idea what it is,it was just a bagseed.Maybe you can tell by looking at the plant ?
  5. H

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Great harvest mate,There is nothing better than your own buds:-P Looks like a lovely smoke
  6. H

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Thank you for your help del..I think u have used hesi line in coco before,ı have to use hesi as ı can not get canna line here.What do you think about hesi coco line Please?
  7. H

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Could you please Tell me how often do ı have to flush if ı grow in coco ? and what is the best ph to run in coco? thank you
  8. H

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    ı would love grow in coco,it looks a lot better than soil but ım so scared that ı kill my babies:=) ım using hesi line in soil and ı run them full doze and sometimes ı double the doze still no burn,specially ı have had a plant which is 2 weeks to harvest and...
  9. H

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    ım using 10 liter post just cheap soil mixed some warmcast and badguano ph 6.5,,nutes hesi Tnt,bloom complex and phosphorus plus,humic fulvic acid and seaweed liquid,,ım doing a lot of foliar feeding thought
  10. H

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    im so impatient...i hate waiting to be honest:-P that is why ı go straight 12/12 That is Nirvana ppp just 29 days old from the seed now,how many days more do you think to harvest PLease ?
  11. H

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    your lst looks really good..
  12. H

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Here are my 12/12 from seed,ı have learned from you guys, Thank you
  13. H

    Power Plant+T5+Foliar feed

    One of my Turkish bagseed plant is getting ready for harvest now,so ı want to take her out for a few hours under the sunshine for last few days,,Do you think that will help to gain more on weight ? thank you
  14. H

    What do you think of my plants? First time grow with CFL's..

    And ones happened before when ı got too close to light less than 0.5 inch....
  15. H

    What do you think of my plants? First time grow with CFL's..

    why do you think leaves getting brown in the fronts ? ı have got 2 leaves the same and that happened after ı started to fertilize heavly.. ? thank you
  16. H

    Power Plant+T5+Foliar feed

    Thank you,just wanted to see the resulds from straight 12*12,ı have had indica ones before straight 12*12 did no good at all,But hyprit ones like ppp doing a lot better than pure indica ones...And ım now vegging 2 ww outside for a mounts and than ı will take them inside for...
  17. H

    What do you think of my plants? First time grow with CFL's..

    İf u will grow the same strain why not..Because you already know now how big its going to get...i have tried my PPP in 38c hot for 3 days and she did not show any heat problems,now ım happy because its getting hotter here and ı know now she is going to be fine next mount when its...
  18. H

    Power Plant+T5+Foliar feed

    started 12/12 straight
  19. H

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    Thank you for this treat,I have learned a lot about foliar feeding from this treat,I have got plants growing outside without foliar feeding and some inside under t5 ho with foliar feeding I would love to tell you that the ones inside with foliar feeding are doing a lot better than the ones...