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  1. Z

    My friend just broke my piece?

    Ok well my friend just broke our pipe, we dont have a car to go get a new 1 and its 2:03 AM,, What can we smoke out of or make to smoke? We only have matches to :( !! POST PLZ! :eyesmoke:
  2. Z

    $345 for a oz of headband?

    True true. But I really don't know. I am still asking other ppl haha.
  3. Z

    $345 for a oz of headband?

    Yeah I might ask him if I can see the weed first. Then I would give him the money but I seriously don't know. :/
  4. Z

    $345 for a oz of headband?

    I haven't smoked it yet. That's the problem.
  5. Z

    $345 for a oz of headband?

    Yeah I am still deciding.
  6. Z

    $345 for a oz of headband?

    True. But I don't wanna pay $345 fuck. Gotta find someone else.
  7. Z

    $345 for a oz of headband?

    It says it in my name. I live in Florida.
  8. Z

    $345 for a oz of headband?

    Im faded as fuck and wanna buy more weed! Haha! Is dat a good deal or na? I don't think so but tell me what you guys think. :leaf:
  9. Z

    1 gram of weed?

    You do realize I used milk instead? I followed a recipe.
  10. Z

    1 gram of weed?

    Making tea nevermind :D
  11. Z

    1 gram of weed?

    I only have 1 gram. Lets say I put it into a brownie mix? Anything happen? OR na? Thanks! :blsmoke: BTW i got no lighter or pieces to smoke thats why I am asking!