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  1. pathfinder05

    Any Advice on Ganga and Personality Disorders?

    Hi RA, Thanks for all the info. I will, for sure, try having a munch.
  2. pathfinder05

    A moment of silence for another fallen brother!

    The smell managed to escape the grow tent I had, it also avoided the huge air filter in there, it then made its way into the house's air vents and into next door. Then the fat slag next door came round and actually told me she was calling the law. Thanks for all the cool suggestions, 'someone...
  3. pathfinder05

    A moment of silence for another fallen brother!

    Yesterday, at a reasonably sociable time of 10am, the finest of British law enforcement came knocking. Farewell to the four plants I had nurtured from their early cutting-hood up till 2 weeks shy of a crop. I am off to the police station for a formal slap on the wrist. The copper in charge...
  4. pathfinder05

    Any Advice on Ganga and Personality Disorders?

    Hey Hermit, nice comment/reply. Thanks for that.
  5. pathfinder05

    Is 250w for 2 hours the same as 500w for 1 hour?

    Thanks guys, Good info so far. I am not new to growing both sorts of crops but I am new to growing normal vegetables under a grow light. I'll keep you all informed I will read up on the light cycles
  6. pathfinder05

    Is 250w for 2 hours the same as 500w for 1 hour?

    Hi guys, The topic title says it all. If I am growing veggies indoors and I want an even spread of light throughout the day. Would it be better to have a low wattage light on all day or a high power one for a shorter time? Thanks for any feedback on this.
  7. pathfinder05

    Growing Veggies Indoors - Light Advice Needed Please

    Guys, how awesome are you all????? Many many thanks for all that kick ass info. I will take your info into account and have a good read up on stuff. I will also look into LEDs ... they might work better on leafy veg than a weed grown by extremely dedicated and passionate connoisseurs. TexRx...
  8. pathfinder05

    ruined my whole crop doing this

    I have no idea but I have lit a candle for you and am praying for a swift recovery. :leaf:
  9. pathfinder05

    Growing Veggies Indoors - Light Advice Needed Please

    Hi there, Due to the nasty weather where I live I am turning my spare room at home into an indoor greenhouse, the room is 2.5m x 3m. Obviously I will be providing all the lighting. I know space and using the available light will be top priorities so I will have crops on tables in the middle...
  10. pathfinder05

    Any Advice on Ganga and Personality Disorders?

    Hey Jogro, Nice write up there. lllGlass, thanks for your bit as well. :peace:
  11. pathfinder05

    Is this a nutrient problem or something else?

    Hi Guys, Here is the story followed by piccie. I got a cutting from a friend and it was in a 4 inch pot. It was previously under some large CFLs. It had not been fed at all so far. I have had it for a week under 600w HPS in a grow tent and have transferred it to a larger pot and obviously...
  12. pathfinder05

    Any Advice on Ganga and Personality Disorders?

    Hi guys, Today I was told I have "Borderline Personality Disorder" - bit of a bummer considering for the past 19 years I was told I was bi-polar! Anyway, has anyone out there suffered this or knows anyone who has and do they have any preferable strains for a good relaxing smoke. Thanks guys.
  13. pathfinder05

    The Darkest Hour movie.

    I actually thought the concept of it was brilliant and because I watched it smashed out of my skull I thoroughly enjoyed it!
  14. pathfinder05

    My simple germinating STEALTH 100% kit

    nice one .... yes I agree.... simplicity and brains That should be the home growers motto +rep for a quality discovery
  15. pathfinder05

    DIY Stealth Intake

    Hi mate. Good effort. I am not sure of all the pro's and con's of your set up due to my inexperience but you get my +rep for the piccies and brief explanation. Nice one.
  16. pathfinder05

    CFL Micro DWC PC Grow

    You, Sir, are a legend! I shall be hanging on your every word during my experiments!
  17. pathfinder05

    Grampa's photos - Travels and whatnot

    Yeh, M F, nice piccies. I am not a huge fan of cities but the American countryside certainly is stunning! Makes me sad to live on this pokey, over-crowded rock!
  18. pathfinder05

    Grampa's photos - Travels and whatnot

    Hey NEO, First off may I say "Nice to meet another Linux fan" - I dual boot Win 7 and Ubuntu 10.10. Linux is bloody addictive and such fun! Regarding Mongolia here are a few piccies. All I can say about Mongolia is 'friendly, vast, beautiful, untouched' All my photos are dry and dusty...
  19. pathfinder05

    Grampa's photos - Travels and whatnot

    I didn't see any signs of wildlife damage. Although I hit a deer a few days later. I was so upset, I love animals. I don't even know if it survived coz it legged it. This photo shows the deer damage and also a bloody rock fell of a truck the next day and put my windscreen through, then it...
  20. pathfinder05

    Grampa's photos - Travels and whatnot

    Hey blunt, it was growing wild... fucking everywhere! This small forest of weed was over 6 feet tall at the side of the road. As for the size of my bowl ... erm ..... I'm a bit of a lightweight :spew: But I do enjoy a nice little smoke. Each to their own hey :peace: Take care