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  1. SanCasanova

    Should i Harvest her? (pics)

    Thank you guys, I'm lucky this is my only hermie , and i got other plants. have a nice day :D
  2. SanCasanova

    Should i Harvest her? (pics)

    So, what should I do? Should I wait a little more and then harvest the few calyxes ? Should I make hash?
  3. SanCasanova

    Should i Harvest her? (pics)

    Hello, should i harvest my plant? is it an hermie ? thank you!
  4. SanCasanova

    doing somthing wrong or very right?

    Yep i got confused, i thought that the plant were 3 weeks old, sorry :cry: ahahah
  5. SanCasanova

    doing somthing wrong or very right?

    I'm a newbie too, but isn't too early to nute them? I may be mistaken tho
  6. SanCasanova

    Mutant plant??? (pics)

    In the first pic the cotyledon is yellow because it was damaged, the other one is fine :) should i cut the yellow one? In the second pic u are right, both cotyledons are yellowish. Transparent pots was my only alternative XD i'll put black tape all around just right now The first picture shows...
  7. SanCasanova

    Mutant plant??? (pics)

    Hi guys :D Here's the plant, notice the difference between the other one following this: (the other one is a lil bit older, and it is a windy day so dont mind about the fork lol) the older one: (sorry for any english mistakes i'm italian) Thanks in advance :D
  8. SanCasanova

    Just transplanted seedlings, need advice

    Hi guys, I just transplanted my two seedlings cuz at the time of the first planting from seed, only red clay was accesible to me and i wanted to put them in better soil, they were growing slow and stuff. They are like this now. THE QUESTION: I have read somewhere that i should now keep them...
  9. SanCasanova

    Slow Growth?? Quick Question w/ PICS

    My plant acquire like 13 hours of sunlight every day, which maybe 5-6 or even 7 are direct sunlight. BTW I should change the dirt you are right :) so this is the problem
  10. SanCasanova

    Slow Growth?? Quick Question w/ PICS

    My plant acquire like 13 hours of sunlight every day, which maybe 5-6 or even 7 are direct sunlight.
  11. SanCasanova

    Slow Growth?? Quick Question w/ PICS

    I planted this in the first week of march
  12. SanCasanova

    Slow Growth?? Quick Question w/ PICS

    Red clay :(
  13. SanCasanova

    Slow Growth?? Quick Question w/ PICS

    A picture of my baby shot the 20 March: Pictures of my baby shot the 30 March: This plant takes 5 hours of strong direct sunlight. Is it growing slow? thanks in advance :)
  14. SanCasanova

    SOS - WTF is happened to my plant in only one night? (pics)

    This is outdoor, maybe i should put that in a less shaded place, thx 4 the advice :D
  15. SanCasanova

    SOS - WTF is happened to my plant in only one night? (pics)

    Last night my plant was straight and baeatiful, i wake up, i go outside and i see my plant like this: The stem is kinda "dry" and much thinner than before... the leaves are green but the leaves are droopy and the stem's weak... please help :( EDIT: here's a pic of my baby two days ago:
  16. SanCasanova

    Quick question - how long...

    Thank you very much :D
  17. SanCasanova

    Quick question - how long...

    Thats the first plant i found :razz: Lol I'm vegging outside with strong sunlight i'm living in south italy and weed plants grow very tall if sativa, the soil is red clay but i'm about to ammend it with some perlite and peat... So dalek is right only 2 week, i'm very happy thanks to all :)
  18. SanCasanova

    Quick question - how long...

    How long will take my seedling aprouted about 2 days ago to become like this? I'm growing a bagseed sativa
  19. SanCasanova

    Clay soil problem - first grow

    Thank a lot guys very very helpful!! Rep + ! I wish you were local to thank you with a nice smokin session :)
  20. SanCasanova

    catching rippers

    Revenge is always a sweet thing! But it is worth it? If u are sure u dont get caught beatin him up then yes.. I would kick his ass with pleasure! But sometimes it isnt worth it...