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  1. S

    Dry, spotted, rolled leaves

    Well, this is my first time and I knew it was a crapshoot, but with your kind help I will do better next time. Did a cheap color chart soil test and nitrogen was high and ph about 6, I'd say. Someone suggested I add some cornmeal so I did and that one is now wilted, but the flower looks ok...
  2. S

    Dry, spotted, rolled leaves

    Thanks, Grapes and CPH. I wondered too about heat as I live in a very hot place. It's 85 outside now. I have grown outside before without much trouble but have felt paranoid lately about doing that. This is an indoor grow and I have central air but I keep the plants in a back room and even...
  3. S

    Dry, spotted, rolled leaves

    Update: I soaked with orange oil and between that and the ladybugs the gnats are gone. I believe I overwatered causing the gnats which damaged the roots. After letting the orange oil soak dry a bit I added root stimulant. Maybe, just maybe, it will be saved. If not I'll take what unripe bud...
  4. S

    Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds

    I also ordered from and I also thought I was ripped off. I got a package with a marker pen in it along with a letter saying "Here is your marker sample. We can make these with your logo in batches of 1000," ...etc. I kept the package, marker, and letter to remind...
  5. S

    Dry, spotted, rolled leaves

    Problem with leaves drying, curling, spotting. The leaves are papery and very dry, with yellow and brown spotting and curling. They easily crumble. This is my first indoor grow and I ended up with four females. One is healthy and about 3 ft tall. The other three are only 2 ft tall and have...
  6. S

    3 week holiday...

    Damanic3-- The wicking will work, I think, for the one in the garden as overwatering won't be a problem if it is in the soil. For the others try the wicking but put the pots of plants on something like screen or sticks or something over a bucket. Any overwatering can go into the bucket. Or...
  7. S

    3 week holiday...

    I have kept houseplants alive for up to 10 days by watering well and then putting a clear plastic bag such as a drycleaner bag over them, but never as long as three weeks. You could try wicking by placing a reservoir of water with a rag like maybe a 3 inch strip of towling going from the water...