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  1. GrnMan

    If you love your nutes, please toss me a recommendation.

    Dunno, I'm a soil guy. Read up on it. Knowledge is power!
  2. GrnMan

    My First Grow after flowering bagseed on balcony

    Wow, glad to see those did so well outside.
  3. GrnMan

    If you love your nutes, please toss me a recommendation.

    I highly suggest rolling with anything organic. I used BioCanna nutes and supplements. Plants loved that shit.
  4. GrnMan

    blue dream, how big to flower?

    Most people wait till around a foot. I haven't heard of that strain, so I can't give too much info. That thing could grow to be a monster once it starts to flower. Where did you get the beans from? Look up info on the strain.
  5. GrnMan

    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    waaaaaaaazuuuuuuuuuup peeps. If hothouse, LB, or Quagy see this, get at me. I lost the info to Quags server. Holla! BTW, also got a fucking DWI back in March - another reason I've been laying low. Good news though, that shit is probably going to get DROPPED! GrnMan out!
  6. GrnMan

    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    I'm ok. well sorta. fucken lost my job, my car, and my g/f. Lots of drama. anyone wanna hit me up, get me at AIM - goodswipe MSN - Yahoo - avi_codec Was just check to see if this shit was still around - lol peace folks Holy shit! 42 thousand somethan views - wow. LOL...
  7. GrnMan

    Best Soil Mixture?

    Yea, what he said. FF Ocean Forrest is really good when you get ready to transplant - plus it's organic. You can also ad a bit a perlite like desertrat mentioned, but you can get away without it. I just used Ocean Forrest on my last grow and it had NO problems with water drainage. bongsmilie
  8. GrnMan

    Feeding Regiment Advice

    Feed with every watering. Let your plants tell you what they need - watch them they will tell you. How much to water depends on pot size. I usually roll with 3.5 gallon pots. They get a gallon of water and food when it's time for their feeding and watering. And no, don't ever up the strength...
  9. GrnMan

    finally got my indoor grow on

    Looking really good my friend. What size pots are those - 3 gallon? What soil are you using again, as well as lights. Yea, I'm lazy! You might have already said that. I wouldn't put them into 12/12 unless you definitely see pre-flowers. Putting a plant into 12/12 before any pre-flowers are...
  10. GrnMan

    250 watt HPS proximity to sprouts?

    Like others have said, move them as close as you can. Put your hand near the top of the plants. If it feels to hot, move the lights back up. Also, watch for heat stress. Leaves will start to curl and look bad when they are heat stressed. I wouldn't turn the others on until they get a little more...
  11. GrnMan


    Anything over 85 and growth slows drastically. Keep them low like other have said. Anything over 90-93 and they will die. bongsmilie
  12. GrnMan

    plant height and width of branches

    The reason the buds are smaller down there is because they are getting less light. You need to get your setup done right. If you want to grow smaller plants, put them in 2 gallon pots and put them into 12/12 early. You cant really control height, it all depends on strain - unless you start...
  13. GrnMan

    250 watt HPS proximity to sprouts?

    You will love HPS/MH for your seedlings! Way better then CFL's IMO. But CFL's will work as well. bongsmilie
  14. GrnMan

    My first attempt at growing

    RIU is good, but no reason to be Nazi's. I can understand they want people here to generate revenue from the adds, but if most people are like me, they run ABP - NO ADS! bongsmilie
  15. GrnMan

    My first attempt at growing

    Yo everyone hit up skunk skool! We got a irc channel going to! Holla back! If I get banned, fuck it! I help this place out way too much, so if they do me dirty - fuck em! bongsmilie
  16. GrnMan

    ru8fru#2, Sweet Purple & Bubblegum, Hydro Drip System

    Damn dawg! That shit is looken DANK! Them trichs are uber nice to. Way to go! bongsmilie
  17. GrnMan

    Dark leaf tips?

    Looks fine to me. bongsmilie
  18. GrnMan

    My first attempt at growing

    Hey HH, pull my finger.... bongsmilie
  19. GrnMan

    ru8fru#2, Sweet Purple & Bubblegum, Hydro Drip System

    Yea, you got about ten days or so before they bust - BUT I wouldn't risk it. Those fuckers will show up everywhere to! bongsmilie
  20. GrnMan

    Grow Journal #6- Breeding: Bubblicious² and Sweet Purple, 400w Hps Grow Cab & Outdoor

    Nice as always! Love the turnaround to. So, you think going 12/12 from seed really stresses the plant THAT much? bongsmilie