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    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Hey RIUers, figure if anyone can answer this, you folks can. I run a flood and drain system, and have had great luck with Canna products in the past. I always grow (clones) in Hugo rockwool blocks. The other day, a friend gave me two 20L jugs of H&G Cocos A and B. All the info I have found...
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    fucking gofers

    A friend who studied horticulture at the University of Georgia stated gophers don't burrow deeper than 18 inches. I wasn't so sure that our California gophers don't burrow deeper, so I made cylinders (no bottom) of 1/2" wire, 24 inches deep, placed them in each planting site, backfilled and...
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    inch worm?

    Thanks for the info.. I did a bit or research on BT and find "Safer Caterpiller Killer" contains BT. I've seen it on the shelves at the local hydro shop, and will pick some up first thing in the morning. As I am in the 6th week of flower, I'm a bit concerned about spraying at this late date...
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    inch worm?

    Hi Folks, this is my first post. I've been lurking RIU for a while, and thanks to the information found here, my first grow (indoor) was successful. After harvest I started another indoor grow, and decided to add an outdoor grow. Everything's been peachy, until I found an inchworm? slowly...