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  1. tiklpink

    4 plants total outdoor:2 barneys farm lsd, and 2 barneys farm g13 haze.

    wow! there kicken but! Dont think you'll have a problem with a good yield if everything goes good from here on out. In soil you should be cool with the water your using. watch for cal-mag dif's though. I think you'll be fine. I like the ff nutes for now becuase it works with no probs. But I will...
  2. tiklpink

    4 plants total outdoor:2 barneys farm lsd, and 2 barneys farm g13 haze.

    left to right-furity chronic juice revegitated, some plant,moby dick,northernlightdxbig bud,moby again,bottom left two cuttings off of moby dick,last one bottem row all together withou the FCJ. All legal medical marijuana. Patience is the key.and lots of attention. just not so much that youll...
  3. tiklpink

    4 plants total outdoor:2 barneys farm lsd, and 2 barneys farm g13 haze.

    Old post I know but here is for, just incase. Ive had them(yellow spots on leaves) but they seem to stay isolated to like one branch or two on mine anyway. I got tired of looking at them and tripping on it so I cut that branch off. the growth was slow too on them but the rest of the plant did...