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  1. C

    when to transplant

    very good thread, helped me tons! thanks mogie
  2. C

    Gardeners Gold

    how'd it work out for you? I just got some and am about use them. Did they turn out well?
  3. C

    First PC grow - EasyRyder (Autoflowering)

    Yea I've had it raised since the start, but the thing is it has had such slow growth compared to other easy ryder grows. I do not know why, it's on day 10 since sprouting and it just started with the 2nd set of true leaves.. I'm on a 20/4 light cycle and I'm pretty sure I havent overwatered or...
  4. C

    First PC grow - EasyRyder (Autoflowering)

    Thanks Risan! heres an update w/ pics.
  5. C

    First PC grow - EasyRyder (Autoflowering)

    one of the cotyledons seem to be curved down, but I am guessing that it's due to its recent sprouting up from the soil? I hope that is the case and there is nothing wrong with the seedling. Any thoughts on why that one cotyledon is curved downwards like that? Also I might think it might be due...
  6. C

    First PC grow - EasyRyder (Autoflowering)

    Temp is stable at 75-80, dependent on time of day. Humidity around 40-50%. I have 5 fans. 2 exhaust and 2 intake 1 for air circulation inside the case. I'm using a Truair carbon scrubber and ONA gel for odor later on. Soil is Gardener's Gold Organic Soil with perlite mixed in, a pH of about 6.5...
  7. C

    pc case grow. wondering whats up. 104+ watts foxfarm soil.

    hey matt I have the same case for my pc grow as well, hope your ladies give u a nice yield. Hey darkdestruction I was wondering for the pH testing, do you have any recommendations on an affordable, but accurate pH meter/tester for soil/water?? I was looking at getting this for water -->...