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  1. C

    finally....what do i expect though.???

    ok well i changed out the water to fully refresh all the nutes....
  2. C

    finally....what do i expect though.???

    nick and axion yall are fucking awesome..thanks for the advice and help
  3. C

    finally....what do i expect though.???

    yea i have to add open sesame next week im probally gonna change out the water this week since i didnt do it last week......and as you see they are just really turning that color lately
  4. C

    finally....what do i expect though.???

    yep...deff hydro and since its only the third week its big bloom and grow big hydro
  5. C

    finally....what do i expect though.???

    and nope cut off certain leaves to allow lights to reach bottom leaves since cfl bulbs can only penertrate so much....guessing you use mh or hps since you didnt know that...
  6. C

    finally....what do i expect though.???

    im using fox farms for is a 5.9...suggestions?
  7. C

    finally....what do i expect though.???

    well mylar is surrounding it.....along with flat white walls
  8. C

    finally....what do i expect though.???

    i feel the humidity deff around 80 or higher when i walk in the closet....and temp is around 75-85 with and air circulation is good due to closet being right next to window...
  9. C

    finally....what do i expect though.???

    here are a few pics the first one i took around monday.....these last two i took just you see growing like crazy.....there are alot more roots than the pic got....the pic shows about 25 percent of the roots maybe 35%...
  10. C

    finally....what do i expect though.???

    Ok so 2.5 weeks into veg with my 1 plant (black Russian strain) and I finally have 11200 lumens after only having 9600 with the cfl bulbs....ill try to attach a pic later but any knowledge as what to expect???...pleaded not ideas or what u think but what you actually know...any good advice is...
  11. C


  12. C


    well cash you said you started yours with cfl's never said how far you went with them or if you converted to red spectrum light, guess i should of been a lil more plant is 2 weeks into veg and what should the lumen output be with regular daylight blue spectrum light bulbs with the...
  13. C


    ok but as far as lumen output should i go up?? as you see it is 9600 total and what distance should i place between the bulbs and the plant...???
  14. C


    well is this lumen ratio good or could i do better??
  15. C


    ok i upgraded today and wanted to know if im good...or will i just burn my black russian strain....4(14-watt) cfl's that put out 800 lumens a piece AND 4 (23-watt) cfl's that put out 1600 lumens a square footage is 23.5inches x 18.33inches x 16.33inches (18gallon tub)...
  16. C

    Good CFL for seedlings

    how far away do yall keep yall CFL's......feet...inches???
  17. C

    Free Grow Software!

    This program is more handwriting for me...fucking awesome...appreciate you guys so much.