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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    remember shes an outdoor plant i just brought her indoors to take the pic
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    haha..... the other lady is stil alive but she is shocking, must be a bad seed she is about 12 inch tall, skinny as fuck - and will probably yield 2 grams oh well heres the other one - +
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    Update started flowering a few days ago sorry for the shit pic quality ! Im not gonna go out and buy a camera to show you guys 1 autoflowerer
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    jus 1 lady now bro ! she has been flowering for a few days now and is looking realy good ! il upload pics tomorow
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    the plant in pic 2 is small and thin and the leaves arent really developed, i have got rid of that one though because it was growing so slowww.
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    once the plant shows pistils ?????!

    Thanks man, the only thing is they are outdoors so i cant flip the time periods iv got over 80 auto's and they are all showing pistills n preflowers, just wanted 2 know when im going to see some buds
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    once the plant shows pistils ?????!

    once pistils have emerged does this mean the plant is definetly goimg to start flowering ?? If so how long does it take to see the bud growing after pistils have emerged ? Since pistils have been on my plant for nearly 2 weeks, there is pre flowers but no visible bud
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    update : auto lemon is definetly a female !!!! lowryder 2 is growing quite weird (pic 2)
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    anyone still interested ?????????? Will upload pics later
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    weather has still been overcast so that means slow growt.... small green hairs have popped up on the nodes not sure what they are yet pics will be uploaded in a few days peeps
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    Starting another grow... Easyryder...

    Hey man, iv got a 60 day lemon haze on its 18 th day, for the first twelve days it was growing very slow but it's just started to explode into growth but I think the joint doctor's AF's are smaller than most other AF's so don't worry about it. what size container is it in ? Hope all goes well
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    Thank god for that I really doubt the plants will start to flower in overcast weather, It looks like you'll be heading to the festival with a raincoat
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    Will do !!!! the weather can't exactly get worse .... So things can only go better
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    the weather has been overcast for like 10 days out of 18 but it's not going to bad, and its even letting out a funky smell !!!
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    they are being grown outdoors i just brought them in because it was dark outside sorry for the shitty pic quality im using an iphone THE PLANT ABOVE IS JUST THE 60 DAY LEMON AUTO - the lowryder 2 i have growing is very similiar but just not as big
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    outdoor grow UK (pics)

    Iv just started an autoflower grow in the north west in the uk .... My plant sprouted 7 days ago and is a 60 day lemon from DNA genetics iv heard good things about it and I'm not really assed if it isn't as good as other strains, the plant is in a small PVC greenhouse which keeps the...
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    Guerilla grow in uk

    I know it's gonna take abit, but their growing just as expected, my lemon auto even fell out of the pot and has grown rapid since its fell out, - so far so good
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    Guerilla grow in uk

    Ok the lowryder 2 is on its 4th day vegging in its final medium. The auto 60 day lemon is also on it's 4th day vegging ( seems to of developed a lot more than the lowryder) seems quite tall. Il upload pics if people r still viewing
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    Guerilla grow in uk

    Seeds arrived yesterday they r still germing at the moment, had a look at one before and it had cracked but I'm jus waiting for the root to show a bit more, So they will be potted tomorrow... Which way does the root go when I'm potting it ? (haven't grown anything for a bit )
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    Guerilla grow in uk

    seeds will probably come tomorrow , I hate the start of it all it takes ages to get going !!!!