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  1. Kilser

    You Got Busted. What Where You Doing Wrong?

    That^ Lol, never been caught. Never will.
  2. Kilser

    Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

    Lmfao, thats acually legit sick lol. Looks like your headed to greeny goodness.
  3. Kilser

    Yo - Introduction

    Thanks for your feedback.
  4. Kilser

    LED panels, and my experience building them. A DIY guide.

    Wow. Lol, pretty cool.
  5. Kilser

    Yo - Introduction

    Yo, I'm Kilser lol. Guess dats about it, Im going to try my hand at growing soon, CFL in a small white painted box with some activated carbon comp. fans. Just as an experiment to get some cuttings, then move out and grow bigger.