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  1. G

    they are dying help

    lol that is the smallest plant i have ever seen that bud will lose alot of size once it dies too is the soil completely dry like dirt thats when you should water it so the plant can breath for a day then water it with nutes i water is every time with nutes for veg and flowering just last two...
  2. G

    they are dying help

    dubs a gram
  3. G

    they are dying help

    damnn your going to get a j out of all your hard work check out my girl
  4. G

    they are dying help

    smoke that shit up before it dies i think it mutated into planet budtron OG
  5. G

    they are dying help

    i dont think so its been like 95 100 were i am and my baby is doing fine in the sun your soil looks very wet in the picture is there holes in the pots for the water to drain out to prevent root rot
  6. G

    they are dying help

    i dont think that the og is going to make it man future advise dont water the plants unless the soil is dry 2 inches below the top of soil plants like to be a little dry compared to being over watered
  7. G

    First Outdoor Grow

    these pictures were taken before i topped everything i will have more pictures up once there is growth again plant is looking health all the branches that were snapped grew back and strong tell me what you think
  8. G

    First Outdoor Grow

    i hope there are getting to be more pistils coming out im going to go buy some flowering nutes if they continue to grow more
  9. G

    First Outdoor Grow

    Here is an update on my plants
  10. G

    So I started a plant..

    looks good the next thing you could do is start tying branches down spreading the plant out letting more light get through to encourage more growth
  11. G

    First Outdoor Grow

    yea its just a very small pistil i saw its not flowering yet i started early too but i just looked at the plant really good the other day no bugs and came across that little pistil just to tell me shes a female
  12. G

    First Outdoor Grow

    thanks hopefully the offshoots i snapped heal i tied them together and supported them with a stake hopefully the buds turn put good n sticky guess ill find out when the plant tells me shes ready
  13. G

    First Outdoor Grow

    i live in socal IE the plant has been growing for about 2 months now cant really remember
  14. G

    First Outdoor Grow

    any thoughts on how the plant is doing?
  15. G

    First Outdoor Grow

    I got one blue cheese seed growing outside right now i used fox farm soil. It looks like it is doing ok ive topped it and i accidently snapped two offshoots trying to super crop i stoped after that and decided to just go to the tie down method. here are some pictures. Also i saw some little...
  16. G

    Grab Bag Seed Seedling

    one is Blue Cheese the other is unknown but they seem to be healthy and doing well the blue cheese the bigger one is 10 days old and the the other is 5 days old.
  17. G

    5 day old seedling nutrients?

    yea i was thinking of buying some white shark root nutrients anyone have any luck with this?
  18. G

    5 day old seedling nutrients?

    from seed how is the size of it im not sure if its too small or not?
  19. G

    5 day old seedling nutrients?

    thanks this isnt my first grow just my first real start from seed plant this will prolly be my mother plant the strain is Blue Cheese
  20. G

    5 day old seedling nutrients?

    i have a 5 day old seedling that i have growing should i use vegging nutrients i have floragro and it said for seedlings mix 1/4 tbl spoon for seedlings anyone have an opinion of when to add nutrients im using fox farm ocean soil.