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  1. B

    7 plants from 42 days old to 24 days old.

    thye look pretty damn nice,dark green leaves,good luck
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    can u make lsd like this

    ive herd of smoking the skin that covers the peanut and getting high but im not bouts to try it
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    so why couldnt you just take some shit and put it in like a closed fish tank with water would they grow?
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    Waaay too many strains!!!

    yea but if you order it by card or plastic they'll watch you like a hawk
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    What a load of bs

    no wonder they went from an A to a D in 6 months, their smoking the wrong part of the plant.lmao
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    "I came back from the dead"

    the mind is a crazy and complex matrix that i dont well ever be able to unerstand,what do you think your brain is doing when you sleep,its not like a computer it can just shut down, or be put on pause,think about it
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    First Timer! Is this good Weed?

    where i come from we call that "downtown brown" or "doo doo brown" or "the mexican speacial" lmao
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    im soo excited....

    how much did all that cost ya,are you doing all of them outdoors?
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    Quick question about planting seeds, help!

    you can plant them either way.personally i plant them with the tip coming up because it makes the stem a lot thicker and stonger,and i've done this plenty of times may take an extra day or two but trust me its worth it.
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    11 5" inchers

    so i have eleven 5 inch plants which im planting this saturday.what i plan on doin is digging a bunch of holes(because the soil turns to clay after about 2 1/2 ft. down)and filling it with top soil,perlite,peat moss,and some builders sand.i might add some mushroom compost if i can find a lowe's...
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    Soil preparation

    your blog sounds pretty nice gl with your grow
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    Break On Thru To The Other Side.

    1 creek water probably the best you can use 2weed is a weed it can thrive in pretty much any climate, but does better with a little care 3tie a string around the top of the plant not to tight but tight enough and bend it slightly, only slightly though you dont wanna bend to much or it will wilt...
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    Soil preparation

    i dont know what kno3 is ,and ive never herd of using peroxide, but what im goin to do is dig a hole and fill it with your own soil or just plain top soil from around you,make sure there isnt any clay in there.dig it about 1x1 and about 3 1/2 feet down,also if the soil isnt that great throw some...
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    Outdoor Grow in the Northeast

    dont forget weed is a weed it thrives in almost any climate and condition
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    Outdoor Grow in the Northeast

    that shoudlnt be to year me and my freind planted like 20 deformed beans in a random patch and it rained for like a week straight, went back like a month later and there were 9,8 inch plants most of them died because of being crowded but as long as it doesnt flood or overwater them you...
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    First Grow with Bagseeds. How am I doing?

    take down that noticable tin foil,and search up natural fertilizers on or on here i guess, and what kinda soil you using it must be easliy absorbant to water, but easily drainable
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    Fish info

    why dont you just buy some fish emulsion its almost the same thing except controlable
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    Outdoor Grow in the Northeast

    i herd from a very wealthy farmer that if you live in the NE the best time would be after mothers day, if your circumstances are right
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    Effects of nutes on seedlings

    i was thinking of doing that but all i have is fish emulsion
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    Questions For My First Outdoor Grow

    yea you should wait a while from what it sounds like. if you wake up right before the sun comes up ,look at your grass. if your grass is frozen then its still way to cold to put your plants out there(thats the frost).you must wait till that stops occuring then you, should still wait at least a...