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  1. Supply Mane

    I need a complete setup! please help me out haha first timer

    i have like 250 to spend total on a closet grow. closet of 2.5 feet wide 5 feet long. i need everything lights (idc led, cfl whatever) soil or hydro, everything. can someone help me out. i want to try and grow purple cheese autoflower, and auto pounder.
  2. Supply Mane

    You think this would work? looking at buying this system for my first indoor grow.i would be growing 5 small autoflowering seeds in soil. any tips/pointers? would this work?
  3. Supply Mane

    Newbie needs help! help me set up my first indoor grow!

    no windows, basement grow, 5 seeds,no ventilation, seeds take a total of 75 days seeds to harvest temp will be around 70 F. and yess i live in the u.s
  4. Supply Mane

    Newbie needs help! help me set up my first indoor grow!

    Ok never grown before aside from a couple seeds i found in a Oz i bought, that all turned out to be male -.-. so this is the strain im growing ( ) i have about 100$ to spend on everything, lights and...
  5. Supply Mane

    Anyone know?

    Ok so i was on sea of seeds, and i saw this strain called " Auto Pounder" it says it averages a pound. but it doesn't say if that is indoor or outdoor. just wondering if anyone has experience with...