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  1. mflbftw

    CANADA To Ban All Personal Growing By 2012 WTF

    Hey guys, there are some big changes supposed to come to the medical program and possibly the weed laws themselves here in Canada. Check out the Matt Mernagh case, he is set to appear before the federal court on May 6/7 to fight against the terrible mess the medical program is currently in. Last...
  2. mflbftw


    Bingo. The grey ones should turn green as you and the giver get/give more rep.
  3. mflbftw

    Best way to medicate: Vape or eating?

    I like to vape my bud in my MFLB til it gets golden, with a bit of green left. I save it up til I have enough and make some cookies or something and eat it. Best of both worlds :)
  4. mflbftw

    Cannabis cures Cancer !

    check out Shona Banda. She found a cheap way to make RSO to control her Chron's which left her terminally ill
  5. mflbftw

    Newbie from Nova Scotia

    Hey guys, This is my first time ever laying eyes on RIU, looking good:clap: I used to be on GC but needed a chance of scenery/happier environment so I decided to check it out here. Hope to make some friends here and meet some cool, down to Earth(and mature) people. I am a Canadian MMJ patient...