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  1. Neung

    Follow me not knowing what I'm doing (Lowryder Dwarf Mix) N00B-Grow

    This is what we got so far. Bottom right one is a 'diesel ryder' that is quite a bit handicapped from heat (I think). The other pots with nothing visible in them yet are apple and Lemon-seeds. I wonder at what week, I should transplant them to 2 gallon pots?
  2. Neung

    fluorescent tube, help wanted. (2x18w)

    Ok. Well the goal is to use as little wattage in the grow room as possible. Im gonna add a 150w HPS to go with the 250w HPS, that along with ventilation will be slightly under 500W all together. (Grow-room is not finished yet) All 4 walls will be isolated with a reflective material with ISO...
  3. Neung

    What in the world makes it grow like this?

    Well, it looked like crap in the beginning, the seed leafs turned yellow and it didn't grow at all other than in hight So I figured it was something with the soil and that it was too warm in the grow room (about 86F). I added some baking soda to the soil, made sure ventilation was better and I...
  4. Neung

    fluorescent tube, help wanted. (2x18w)

    Alright. Thanks! I just want something to start them with so I wont have to use the 250W HPS as much.
  5. Neung

    fluorescent tube, help wanted. (2x18w)

    Hello! I found two new 'Narva LT 18W/530-030 fluorescent tubes (Warmwhite)' tucked away in the garage. I wonder if I can grow seedlings (any kind) under these? Or is it the wrong kind of light? I'm thinking about mounting it in a little cabinet.
  6. Neung

    What in the world makes it grow like this?

    What In the world is going on with this Diesel Ryder? Its been growing since a month back, It was stuck in 1st seedling stage (2 tiny leafs) for a long time due to too much heat. Transplanted it in soil with a higher PH and it started to grow in phase with seeds planted 2 weeks later. Its still...
  7. Neung

    Follow me not knowing what I'm doing (Lowryder Dwarf Mix) N00B-Grow

    I prepared my grow-room and placed the pots with seeds under the 250W HPS lamp. The timer will start the lamp and the fan tomorrow morning at 06.00. (18-6) I placed some plates with water to keep the air more humid than previously. Room temperature is between 71,5 - 75 F without anything...
  8. Neung

    Follow me not knowing what I'm doing (Lowryder Dwarf Mix) N00B-Grow

    I Didn't have to wait as long as I thought for the seeds to crack, so I decided to put them in my soil-mix today. I placed the pots in a dark cabinet this time. Apparently this is good for them but I don't know why, I have to read some more tutorials...
  9. Neung

    Follow me not knowing what I'm doing (Lowryder Dwarf Mix) N00B-Grow

    My first grow ever is about 17 days in right now, and out of 7 seeds only two look "alright" but they kinda look like they normally would day 11 (I am guessing). One dried and I don't know what's going on with the others. I haven't given up hope just yet even tough one seedling tuned yellow and...
  10. Neung

    Help: How long would I normally have to wait? Need Guidance.

    OMG. You would not believe this! (whom ever read my rambeling mumbo jumbo) One of the two diesel ryder seeds I decided to germinate in papertowl after 11 days of no luck in the soil is now growing a tail.
  11. Neung

    Help: How long would I normally have to wait? Need Guidance.

    Only two made it. They booth look look like this, one still has the scales from the seeds clinging on.
  12. Neung

    Lowryder DWARF MIX - from attitude seedbank

    I got the 'dwarf mix' along with the 'diesel ryder' in my very first grow atm (11 days from germination, 5 plants in total). Does these give of a strong odor when they flower? (bought these because of their size and supposedly easy to grow factor) I'm worried because I am yet to have installed...
  13. Neung

    Help: How long would I normally have to wait? Need Guidance.

    I woke up at 01:20 last night and realized that the timer had not yet turned the lights off. (was sat at 00:00), Piece of crap! concidering the electricitybill and the unfortunate outcome of only 2 maybe 3 healhty Diesel plants I decided to get a lowryder dwarf mix pack.
  14. Neung

    Help: How long would I normally have to wait? Need Guidance.

    Here is an update: Two of the seeds didn't make it (I guess), they have not yet developed a tail. In desperation I'm still going to try to germinate them with moist paper-towels. one of three seeds looks healthy now, it has developed tiny leafs and is standing straight. The other two are not...
  15. Neung

    Neung's grow room design.

    I am on my very first grow at the moment. After it is done I will rebuild my walk-in-closet to a grow-room. I hope my picture/description is understandable. Sorry about the 'difficult-to-read-text' but rullitup resized my image when I uploaded. Let me know what you guys think. I will...
  16. Neung

    Help: How long would I normally have to wait? Need Guidance.

    Thank you for the reply guys! I think I might have been a bit too careful when it came to watering because I was afraid of over-watering. I started spraying them several times a day as soon as I saw the dirt dry-out on the surface. (5-15 mist-squirts at each time) I also moved the light...
  17. Neung

    Help: How long would I normally have to wait? Need Guidance.

    I got five feminized Diesel Ryder Automatic Seeds. I planted them with seed compost in tiny paper pots with plastic wrapper on the 22th Mars so thats almost one week ago. I did not soak the seeds in a cup of water first as I later found out this is a good method. This is my very first grow so...