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  1. M

    trayvan martin

    LOL this guy! The best he can do is quote wikipedia as a source! What a dolt.
  2. M

    trayvan martin

    No. I'm actually new. New people aren't allowed in the off-topic sections here?
  3. M

    trayvan martin

    Name calling, telling me I don't do research. Meanwhile, you didn't even click on the jail surveillance video I posted, because IT'S NOT TIME STAMPED. I looked at it on THREE DIFFERENT WEBSITES. About halfway in, there is the top of some yellow letters that are cut off. However: according to...
  4. M

    trayvan martin

    So the police report about his damage is a lie? I bet you think we blew up the WTC too. 40 minutes is awful quick to be treated by EMTs and arrive at jail after a murder. I've been arrested in Florida for something much easier, and it still took much longer than that. But if you can show me a...
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    trayvan martin

    So you have posted no evidence whatsoever from any kind of credible source to refute me, yet I'm wrong? The video is garbage, he was treated by EMTs, they'd be pretty shitty EMTs if he was still bloody. And his nose isn't going to look broken, and you aren't going to see a cut on the back of...
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    trayvan martin

    Unfounded. You're just recanting the other side's tale. See how I didn't disprove anything you just said? Meanwhile: " "The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: 'help...
  7. M

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone, I'm new, looking to do a PC micro setup. Just built a killer new PC, I have a old dell Full tower case lying around that is pretty big and opens up like a book, so I'm gonna give it a shot. Just on to gather information for now. Those in the know will see my name is a major tool...
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    trayvan martin

    -Quoted for truth- Every single government program that has a box with "race" and check boxes to pick one promotes racism and people of certain races thinking the world is "out to get them." Affirmative action in jobs and schools, differing amounts of government financial aid (both welfare and...