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  1. T

    problems with ph I need experienced help!

    awesome! thank you guys so much for the fast response! I dident think any thing of it when i did it and then about an hour after i was like .. wow ph 10 was kind of high lol and I did forget to mention that I have also put about a tbls of dolomite lime with the last watering that i did and i...
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    problems with ph I need experienced help!

    My soil ph runoff was really low like around 5.8 and no matter how much water ph'ed at around 7 to 8 i put in would not raise the ph run off at all. They are very sick with rusty spots and pale leaves which is from my ph being off for so long due to a misreading meter. just got a brand new one...
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    questions about autos

    Well it is now day 33 and pistols are starting to come out of the preflowers so my guess my so called auto is really an auto... thanks for the help
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    questions about autos

    but thats why i kind of dont understand because my male showed sex at day 17 and my females showed their preflowers (not hairs)at around day 23 to day 26 but only on a couple of nodes. The male hasent changed much and is not flowering at all beyond the small preflower stage.. so if they are in...
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    questions about autos

    Any input on to what i should do?
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    lowryder#2 grow

    Looks very green and healthy also very frosty nice grow! I am curious to when she started flowering?
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    questions about autos

    I mean my male hasn't went beyond the very early preflower stage either and IMO it should be way ahead of the females?
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    questions about autos

    Woke up on day 30 now and still just preflowers with no hairs yet :( This is my first auto grow so I am really nervous that for some reason they wont flower. Even though i know that getting preflowers at day 17- 26 is not normal for non autos but i would have figured they at least would of...
  9. T

    questions about autos

    I absolutely agree with you 100%! The set up I have going now I can tell you is allot better then most cfl growers because of the way I have them set up in a ballast but with that said you are right! most of the light is wasted because even with the way I have them now most of the bulb is still...
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    questions about autos

    Thank you Jogro, that was some very good information on cfl's and why hps and t-5's are allot better in pretty much every way. However I do stand by the fact that when used correctly in the right growing conditions and small spaces, cfl's can produce some very nice smoke with very good yields. I...
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    autoflower experament

    how long has it been flowering?
  12. T

    questions about autos

    Ya i hear you! we cfl growers need to stick together we get gained up on way to much lol
  13. T

    Auto flower same pot through harvest?

    I agree with brettsog ANY type of stress at this point will only help in reducing your yield. With autos it is best to plant them directly into the pot they will be in for the rest of the grow. They are very touchy when it comes to stress
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    questions about autos

    Thank you brettsog I am sure he thought i ment that the plants were stretching for more light lol . and btw 1 450 watt hps system only throws out 50k lumens but will produce massive heat while my 30+ cfl's are throwing out more lumens and heat is not an issue. But with that said it is the light...
  15. T

    questions about autos

    Oh no I met normal stretching from the flowering hormone. I have 3 in there now and one male is in a pc they are all very tight and bushy. I know an HPS or MH system would be much more efficient but I cant use them because of the heat. besides in my experience (non auto) i have had very good...
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    Couple questions on Auto's for you experienced ones

    I have also seen good results using hydro and soil all depends on the growing conditions but if grown in soil the bigger the pots the more they will yield. hope this helps and good luck with your grow
  17. T

    Couple questions on Auto's for you experienced ones

    I am on my first auto grow so I am no expert but i have researched allot about autos and almost every where says that any type of stress that they are put through will greatly reduce yield. Some even say not to transplant them due to stress but i have also seen successful grows when transplanted.
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    questions about autos

    i know they are doing something cause they have been really stretching like its about to flower i just thought i would be seeing a bit more action from the nodes by now
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    questions about autos

    its been 18/6 from seed
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    questions about autos

    awesome so then the preflowers at this point in time are normal. thank you for your reply