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    just got out of surgery

    Nasty.... how many stitches did you get for that? I hate to imagine what you feel when getting up in the morning and taking your first steps to the bathroom. By the way, have you ever visited They an archive of articles on just about anything... more precisely, the daily...
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    Nihilism, the consequence of Atheism

    Yup... the chart summarizes it
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    just got out of surgery

    Not sure if you like Japanese animation but you can try and drown yourself with episodes of Deathnote or Liar Game.
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    Nice Strain for a Tropical Country

    Ahh Good to find a Kababayan here. If I'm not mistaken, Ading is an Ilocano word, no? Are you based in Hawaii? I know that it's mostly Ilocanos there. Yup, Asia is booming right now. Anyway, he's going with my idea of putting up a net cafe and a computer parts accessories store to get the ball...
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    Do organics take longer to finish? 2 Parts

    I wouldn't worry about the time they finish that much since it will probably be on the same range. What you should consider is how potent the buds will be and how many of them you can get.
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    just got out of surgery

    Hahaha pulp fiction... I wanted to order Jules' wallet, the one that says BAD MOTHER******. Found a webstore dedicated solely to that lol
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    just got out of surgery

    Ah... pirates of silicon valley... a broad story-telling of what happened between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs... How both founded each of their respective companies - Microsoft and Apple. How Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get to work together. How their "feud" started. Also gives you a slight...
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    can weed enhance our senses?(the 1s that shouldn't be normal)

    I think more on how deeply we perceive and focus on the data delivered by our senses. I don't think it enhances anything except appetite lol. It allows a deeper concentration on any given stream of thought or sensation. Sometimes I go numb while sounds seem to resonate, other times I'm quite...
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    Football - go!

    Go Barcelona!... oh wait, this is american football.... I meant Go Buckeyes! lol
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    Thinking of making a worm bin, any suggestions?

    Shred and moisten some old newspapers, lay them as bedding in the container you have. Throw in some old leaves and dirt for grit. Add your worms and cover with a cut out cardboard piece. Should be that easy.
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    got a few questions.

    Yeah, no prob at 79. Just let them have sufficient lighting and you're good to go.
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    What if Jesus Had Not Been Crucified???

    Then that would be good for Jesus, wouldn't it? lol Seriously, it would be better for the world. Less cause for mental illness.
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    Nihilism, the consequence of Atheism

    So my question is this; Is an atheist who is yet to embrace nihilism an incomplete atheist?
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    write protection

    i haven't encountered something like this yet. Normally, when your card is busted, it couldn't be read. All I can suggest is to get a new card. You've already saved the pics, haven't you?
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    just got out of surgery

    Ahhh hope you recover soon. Anyway, try rewatching pulp fiction (if you've already watched it) lol. Takes me back every single time. Pirates of Silicon Valley.. Mogul is also a good movie.. Ocean's 11, 12, 13... the all-time fav LOTR trilogy.
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    Is anyone Pro-War?

    To war!!! God Wills It!!! lol.. seriously, why would any sane human being want war or blow up other counties? I think everyone WANTs a utopia. However, we cannot deny that there are times when wars NEED to be raised. To h*ll with that b*llcr*p of "everything can be resolved diplomatically". The...
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    Nice Strain for a Tropical Country

    LOl... I've been thinking about that but quite hesitant airports are quite strict nowadays. I'm thinking buying 7 bags of vegetable seeds and then replacing one pack with cannabis seeds. Ahhh but I'm still hesitant since i'll probably take at least 2 flights, one from the US and the other from...
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    Autoflower madness!!!

    Nice looking plant's you got there nodnarb. Can't wait for when you harvest them. Cheers! P.S. Coontie sounds kinda cute when paired with weed lol... was turned off when I read the description. It said poisonous seeds! hahah you might as well get rid of it before the harvest lol
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    Nice Strain for a Tropical Country

    Hmmm, thanks a lot mellowman and aseboy. I did some research and looked up chocolope. Reviews about it are quite good. Strongly sativa. I also went and checked out the database you suggested aseboy. I found this highly-rated strain called "Super Thai x Skunk". 140 reviews and not a blemish of...
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    Nice Strain for a Tropical Country

    I've had this talk with my old man last Saturday and he thinks that it's a good idea for me to go back to our homeland, the Philippines, and stay there to manage a business he's going to put up. I grew up in the Philippines and only moved to the states when I was 16. Of course, we made those...