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  1. S

    growing from seeds

    hey i found this on a site looking for some equipment for later can someone tell me if this will work for turnin on a fan. Humidistat, 10-60% RH-International Greenhouse Company Greenhouse Mega Store has everything you need to build, equip, and maintain a commercial, hobby, school or...
  2. S

    First time . need all the advice i can get

    i am in the same boat as you i have some supplies, oppurtunity, and i say why not? i have read some of the info on that page and got a good idea of what im going to do i am starting on saturday with seeds that i have collected some from some ok mid and one from some pretty good high. i am...
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    growing from seeds

    ok i plan on starting indoors i have a few questions. after the first spout appears during germination should i pu it into a tray. i was going to get prefilled trays for growing. how much light should they have? i have a light that my dad used to use back in his growing days, seen some pics...
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    Light N2K

    how can i tell what kind of light i have it is my dads old one from back in his growing days
  5. S

    Welcome New Members!

    i was going to grow them inside an old fridge until the get about 12" tall what would be a good time table on how long that would take temp for those plants, lighting schedule, size light, soil Ph and where would be the best plaxe to get these products, such as fertilizer, soil, testing strips...
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    Welcome New Members!

    alright what is the best way to get from seed to plant that is big enough to planted outside i live in KY, yeah i am sort of a hillbilly but we still got some killer outdoor here. what is the best way to start my seeds, then planting material material after germination, what is a good temp and...
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    Welcome New Members!

    just joined today found a seed in some chronic today and i some seeds from some other ok bud. is it too late to start growing these for a good harvest or is it just going to be a waste of time? i could start my seeds inside until germination then move them outside into a closed invironment...