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  1. W

    Grand Old Party's grand old contributions to freedom

    History lession right on target. But you got to admit the GOP since the early 90's have not been the the party of lincon or eisenhower. It is pretty wack a doodle politics right now. I agree the DEM's are no knights in shinning armor either today. In fact the choices are geting more and more...
  2. W

    Grand Old Party's grand old contributions to freedom

    funny stuff, and my list is blank also. But i do need to metion this is not enishowers GOP any more. It is wack a doodle state of business.
  3. W

    It's All Over Folks

    what a FUCK STICK. Ya know if big pharm told old FUCK STICK to give the thumbs up to medical i am sure the tune would change.
  4. W

    It's All Over Folks

    I hope ron paul takes it to the convention. Split the party both GOP and DEM's and come out a popular vote winner. Show the world and all the U.S. citizens what a sham the voting system is. Because ron paul will not win the electoral. The electoral vote will go to the biggest sell out. It is a...
  5. W

    The Left-Libertarian is still here, I bring you latest government propaganda review

    I went to your link and it said i was blocked by copy right from some new orginazation. WELL! i will just have to look harder into this. ron paul rocks!
  6. W

    Mitt Romney on medical Marijuana

    Too late to even get on Santorum, guy like that just need to mind their own business and GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BEDROOM. PUSH YOUR MORAL CRAP SOMEWHERE ELSE. I am gona smoke, get naked and do some freaky shit to the old lady. BOOM there it is.
  7. W

    Mitt Romney on medical Marijuana

    MITT IS A ASSBAG. fuckin dumbass. what more can i say. Fuck these clowns we need to take our country state and citys back from all these empty promose ASSBAGS. Ron Paul rocks, its just too bad he is not a better messanger. BUT FUCK IT, Its time for all us weed smokin hop heads that got gray hair...
  8. W

    Want to run different strains in western washington.

    :?: Any body out there that has grown in a basement ( very dry ) in soil and has grown, skywalker, critical plus, black haze, purple walrus or white widow. I am looking for any tips particular to the plant. All are clones, about 12 inches right now and have just been transplanted in to fox farm...