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  1. S

    need help on this one

    i got 3 plants but one doent look like the other to but im only 9 days in this. here is a pic of 2 of them
  2. S

    new to growing

    this is my 2nt plant
  3. S

    new to growing

  4. S

    new to growing

    ok well i got to plants tha look the same but it only been 9 days but the 3d one is taller but the stem is thin and the 2 leafs go strait up but on the other plant the leafs lay flat ill get some pics
  5. S

    new to growing

    im new and i got 3 plants just want to have weed to smoke im in at about 8 days and i just wanted to no if theres away to no if it the right time to flower a female
  6. S

    Growing Just A Little Weed

    just put as many as you want in a couple paper toles and fold and wet the paper and stick them in some thing closed and dark and wait about 24hours then if they have a lil rout then stick it in soil and let it grow under like and water it simple you will need new stuff after a lil wile but that...