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  1. D

    Please help i need to know to to flush my body for a drugs test

    do you know if you have to pee in front of your local doctor when giving the sample?
  2. D

    Please help i need to know to to flush my body for a drugs test

    Please help i need to know to to flush my body for a drugs test for weed , please all and and info will be much appreciated.
  3. D

    Irish Patient in need of medical marjuana.

    Hello everyone my names D im 24 from ireland and my situation is bad, iv had alot of trouble sleeping and eating in the past and i refuse! to take any kind of tablets to help me with it. so i had a friend that grew weed and one day he said to me smoke that splif when you get home tonight and...
  4. D

    help i have bananas on my sweet deep grape fruit

    i will get them close ups uploaded asap lads ,thanks again for the help.
  5. D

    help i have bananas on my sweet deep grape fruit

    i will do some trimming on it asap an get rid of them lil fuckers, iv only noticed about 5-6 days ago so im hopping its only early for them and havent spunked all over my other lil lady ha :) BTW im using cfls 1-250w 2700k and 6x20w 2700k peace
  6. D

    help i have bananas on my sweet deep grape fruit

    are these any better ? if not i can take some new one tomoro and upload them. peace
  7. D

    help i have bananas on my sweet deep grape fruit

    thanks for such a quick replay bro, yes i have one other in with her, the sweet deep has just go into week 7 and iv read up that it has a 8 week flowering time. do you reckon i might get away with not moving the sweet deep, to be honest iv got fook all places to put it. peace
  8. D

    help i have bananas on my sweet deep grape fruit

    Hello ,please help i have bananas on my sweet deep grape fruit what do i do?????
  9. D

    where can i sell my seeds? i have almost 300 (strain moby dick)

    guess i should hold on to them till next summer and go on a cycle one day planting them everywhere ,haha :_)
  10. D

    where can i sell my seeds? i have almost 300 (strain moby dick)

    and the answer to that question is NO! i wouldnt if im honest and unfortunately i do not know any indoor farmers, thanks bro.
  11. D

    where can i sell my seeds? i have almost 300 (strain moby dick)

    haha :) do you live in ireland?
  12. D

    where can i sell my seeds? i have almost 300 (strain moby dick)

    yeah i could but im lookin to upgrade my grow room asap and need some extra cash. thanks man ill try them ..peace
  13. D

    where can i sell my seeds? i have almost 300 (strain moby dick)

    thats a very good question! that i do not have the answer to my friend...
  14. D

    where can i sell my seeds? i have almost 300 (strain moby dick)

    ok so i have almost 300 moby dick seeds and im looking for some help on selling them, please all and any input is very welcome
  15. D

    330w cfl grow , yeild was 56grams dry. did i do well for a CFL GROW?

    so i yeilded 56g of dry bud from 1 moby dick seed :) did i do well for a CFL grow?
  16. D

    HELP! 2week old kandy kush with yellow tips?????

    the other 1 is starting to yellow aswell now im just gonna give them 2 weeks and see how they recover if at all. sorry for the late reply internet has been cut off . i will keep you guys posted , thanks for the help peace out :)
  17. D

    HELP! 2week old kandy kush with yellow tips?????

    i got the seed free off a friend of mine, do you rekon i should just bin them and start a new strain?
  18. D

    HELP! 2week old kandy kush with yellow tips?????

    thanks for the info man , do ya reckon she will be ok ina week or so
  19. D

    HELP! 2week old kandy kush with yellow tips?????

    ok so iv stared a kandy kush grow 2 of them 1 is lookin healty but the other has yellow tips, i havent started any nuts yet, what could cause this problem?? plz i need help. peace
  20. D

    330w cfl grow, 8th week of flowering

    i might just do that ill see how she gos